

我有一些水平的直线,希望用户能够垂直拖动.这怎么可能?我认为,用于线选择的最佳参数将是线附近固定数量的像素.因此,如果鼠标为+/- 2像素,则应更改鼠标光标并使线可拖动..我看到CurveItem类具有属性IsSelectable和IsSelected.这些会解决这个问题吗?通过阅读课程文档,我无法真正理解它们的用途.

I have some straight horizontal lines that I want the user be able to drag vertically. How would this be possible? I think the best parameter for line selection would be a fixed number of pixels near the line. So if mouse is +/- 2 pixels, I should change the mouse cursor and make the line drag-able.. I see the CurveItem class has properties IsSelectable and IsSelected. Will these have any function in solving this issue? I can’t really understand what they are for from reading the class documentation..

FindNearestPoint (和 FindNearestObject )似乎仅搜索实际点.如何进行选择以沿直线的整个部分工作?我想我需要做一个自己的自定义查找"例程,该例程遍历我要检查的所有行,并针对每个行基于鼠标X的位置(? )为此,我还在考虑倾斜线,对于水平/垂直线,它会稍微简单一些.至少看来这是curveItem所必需的,但是我认为必须同样地选择LineObj(在其中间)?

It seems that the FindNearestPoint (and FindNearestObject) only search actual points. How would I make selection to work along the whole section of a straight line? I guess I would need to make make my own custom "Find" routine that loops through all the lines I want to check, and for each calculate it's imaginary Y-point based on the mouse X position (?) I'm also thinking about sloped lines for this purpose, for horizontal/vertical lines it will be slightly simpler. At least it seems this is needed for a curveItem, but I assume the same must be done for selecting (at mid-section of) a LineObj?

我实际上不知道 LineObj 的存在.似乎LineObj无法更改 X2/Y2 坐标,因为它们是 ReadOnly .那么,是否有可能拖动LineObj的X2/Y2点?

I actually didn't know about the LineObj existed. It seems the LineObj is not possible to change the X2/Y2 coordinates, as they are ReadOnly. So is it at all possible to drag the X2/Y2 point of a LineObj?



It seems to be an issue with the FindNearestPoint on a JapaneseCandleStick graph; When I click in the graph pane, it does not return the index of the nearest bar, but I believe it instead selects the index with the closest Y-value, no matter how far away on the x axis it is. Sometimes it's a bar to the right of the mouse, sometimes to the left of the mouse. Is this the way it's meant to work?


I made this custom function myself, so I guess it's ok.. Still it would be nice to understand why the FindNearestPoint acts this way.


This is the code on mouseDown:

   ' Find nearest curve point:
   Dim ciNearestCurve As CurveItem
   Dim iNearestCurve As Integer
   Dim b As Boolean = zgc.GraphPane.FindNearestPoint(mousePt, zgc.GraphPane.CurveList, ciNearestCurve, iNearestCurve)
   If b Then
       With ciNearestCurve(iNearestCurve)
           Debug.Print(Date.FromOADate(.X) & " " & .Y & " " & .Z)
       End With



如果使用的是LineObj而不是曲线,请查看 FindNearestObject 方法.

If you are using a LineObj instead of a curve, take a look on the FindNearestObject method.


Also if you want to make some "area of sensitivity" for clicking, this method should help you to transform mouse coordinates in pixels to pane scale coordinates.


The main idea is to:
- subscribe for MouseDown, MouseUp and MouseMove events
- in the handler for MouseDown event check if clicked point is near the curve/graph object you want to move
- do the change in similar way that it is shown in example from the first link


Regarding your edit:
Let's assume you have a horizontal curve myCurve containing two points. Using FindNearestPoint you can find nearest clicked point and the curve containing this point.


// mousePt is where you clicked
CurveItem nearestCurve = null;
int nearestID = -1;

myPane.FindNearestPoint(mousePt, out nearestCurve, out nearestID);
   // remember the curve somewhere.


Next handle the MouseMove and MouseUp events to find out how much you need to move your curve. You need to know only the change in Y (or Y2) direction as the curve is horizontal and you probably do not want to move it along X axis.


When you'll find out how much you need to move your curve (dy), just do:

for(int i=0; i<nearestCurve.Points.Count; i++)
    nearestCurve.Points[i].Y += dy;

关于第二个问题,在 LineObj.Location.Y2 的文档中, :

Regarding your second question, in the documentation for LineObj.Location.Y2 you have:


And Width/Height properties can be set easily, so you can do it this way.


08-11 18:54