I have a graph I am trying to filter for a report by day of week. For instance, I wish to find all the instances where they occurred on a Tuesday. Is there a way to either format the datetime field into day of week or filter by day of week directly on the datetime field?
You can also determine the day of week in standard SPARQL if you provided a bit of background knowledge. The query needs a reference date preceding your dates and the day of week at this date.
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?date ?dayName
# Sample dates
VALUES ?date {
# Compute days since a reference date
# This works in Virtuoso, which returns the difference in days.
# For example, Fuseki returns xsd:duration instead.
BIND (?date - "1900-01-01"^^xsd:date AS ?days)
# Compute modulo by 7 without a modulo operator
BIND (floor(?days - (7 * floor(?days/7))) AS ?mod)
VALUES (?mod ?dayName) {
(0 "Monday") # 1900-01-01 was Monday
(6 "Tuesday")
(5 "Wednesday")
(4 "Thursday")
(3 "Friday")
(2 "Saturday")
(1 "Sunday")