



我需要使用MergeCom工具套件C ++将创建的DICOM文件发送到PACS。任何人都可以张贴示例代码以从本地读取DICOM文件,并使用MergeCom将其发送到PACS。

I had a requirement to send the DICOM files created to the PACS using MergeCom tool kit C++. Can anybody post sample code to read the DICOM file from local and send the same to PACS using MergeCom.


合并工具包已发布包含在mc3apps文件夹中的示例代码。您要搜索的是(按DICOM术语)C-STORE SCU,带有示例代码的文件是stor_scu.c。可以找到一个简短的文档。我会发布代码,但是它很长,并归Merge所有。但是,如果您拥有该工具包的合法副本,则应该可以轻松找到它。

The merge toolkit ships with sample code which is contained in the folder mc3apps. What you are searching for is (in DICOM terms) a C-STORE SCU, and the file with the sample code is stor_scu.c. A brief documentation can be found here. I would post the code but it is very long and copyrighted by Merge. But if you have a legal copy of the toolkit you should be able to find it easily.


08-11 18:16