

本文介绍了TortoiseSVN 文件覆盖性能 - 有什么方法可以改进它吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在我的开发机器(运行 Windows Server 2003)上使用 TortoiseSVN,在服务器端使用 VisualSVN Server.两者都是最新版本(针对 Subversion 1.6.5).

I'm using TortoiseSVN on my development machine (running Windows Server 2003) and VisualSVN Server on the server side. Both are the latest versions (against Subversion 1.6.5).

总体上一切正常;但是,我对 TortoiseSVN 文件覆盖(在资源管理器中显示文件上的锁定或修改状态的小图标)感到有些沮丧.有时,这些覆盖似乎在提交或锁定后立即更新,有时仅在几次刷新后才会更改,有时在下一次重新启动之前它们会显示完全错误的状态.

Everything works well generally; however I'm getting a little frustrated with the TortoiseSVN file overlays (the little icons that show locked or modified statuses on the files in Explorer). Sometimes these overlays seem to update instantly after a commit or lock, sometimes they only change after a couple of refreshes, and sometimes they show completely the wrong status until the next reboot.


It might be an impossible question to answer, given the amount of variables (other installed software, for example), but are there any known tricks to speed up the updating of these overlays?


到目前为止,我获得的最大性能提升是将客户端的图标覆盖设置为不处理整个硬盘驱动器,仅处理我的 SVN 文件所在的位置.

By far the biggest performance increase I got was to set the client's Icon Overlays to not process the whole hard drive, only the locations my SVN files live in.


To do this, open the settings (right-click in Explorer->TortoiseSVN->Settings), select Icon Overlays, then in the Exclude paths: enter c:\*

Include paths: 中输入你的 Subversion 工作副本目录的路径(对我来说都在 c:\subversion\*c:\工作区\*)

In the Include paths: enter the paths to your Subversion working copy directories (for me all are under c:\subversion\* and c:\workspaces\*)


Use a newline to separate entries (see screenshot)


This made the client seem a thousand times quicker.

此屏幕截图显示了如何排除 c: 和 d: 驱动器,仅包括相关目录:

This screenshot shows how to exclude c: and d: drives, just including the relevant directories:

您可以从 TortoiseSVN 文档中获得更多性能提示.

You can get some more performance tips from the TortoiseSVN docs.

这篇关于TortoiseSVN 文件覆盖性能 - 有什么方法可以改进它吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 17:57