


This is the first time i am using AsyncTask and probably a little confused as well, about passing the values.

我有4个的ArrayList<串GT; s,它包含应该插入到数据库中的数据。我想在后台做这个插入。将有至少50行由4的ArrayList,我有考虑过值插入到数据库和1行插入的时间,

I have 4 ArrayList<String> s, which contain data that should be inserted into the database. I want this insertion to be done in background. There will be a minimum of 50 rows to be inserted into the database and 1 row is inserted at a time, by taking passing values from 4 arraylists that i have.


Can someone guide me on how to do this?

现在我创建一个扩展的AsyncTask :::一个子类InsertData

Now i create a subclass InsertData that extends AsyncTask :::

private class InsertData extends AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result>{

        protected Result doInBackground(Params... params) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;


I have values in 4 arraylists, in which i need to retrieve 1 entry from each arraylist and pass the 4 values to the database. How do i pass these 4 values to the AsyncTask and also, how do i repeat this till there are entries in the arraylists.


Here is the database method that inserts 1 row into the database :::

public void insert_row(int count, String image_url, String name, String number) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        db.execSQL("INSERT INTO contacts VALUES('"+ count +"', '"+ image_url +"', '"+ name +"', '"+ number +"')");


If someone can give me a overview on how i can implement this, It would be great.



Try the following, and, anyway, You could create constructor for InsertData with parameters you need, store em in InserData class fields and use in doInBackground().

private class InsertData extends AsyncTask<ArrayList, Progress, Result>{

            protected Result doInBackground(ArrayList... params) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                ArrayList list1 = params[0];
                ArrayList list2 = params[1];
                return null;


InsertData task= new InsertData();
task.execute(yourList1, yourList2, yourList3...);


09-05 12:49