function relativeTime($ dt,$ precision = 2)
$ times = array(365 * 24 * 60 * 60 =>year,
30 * 24 * 60 * 60 =>month,
7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ="week,
24 * 60 * 60 =>day b $ b 60 * 60 =>小时,
60 =>分钟,
1 => 第二);
$ passed = time() - $ dt;
if($ passed< 5)
$ output ='少于5秒前';
$ output = array();
$ exit = 0;
foreach($ times as $ period => $ name)
if($ exit> = $ precision ||($ exit> 0&& $ period< 60) )休息
$ result = floor($ passed / $ period);
// die($ result);
if($ result> 0)
$ output [] = $ result。''$ name。($ result == 1?'':'s');
$ passed - = $ result * $ period;
$ exit ++;
else if($ exit> 0)$ exit ++;
$ output = implode('和',$ output)。
// die($ output);
return $ output;
$ dt =时间戳,看起来与此类似, 1292534103
格式为tweet的功能,我可以从 $ dt
,但是当我从formatTweet函数中将 $ dt
function relativeTime($ dt,$ precision = 2)
$ times = array(365 * 24 * 60 * 60 => ;年,
30 * 24 * 60 * 60 =>月,
7 * 24 * 60 * 60 =>周,
24 * 60 * 60 =>day,
60 * 60 =>小时,
60 =>分钟,
1 =>第二);
$ passed = time() - $ dt;
if($ passed< 5)
$ output ='少于5秒前';
$ output = array();
$ exit = 0;
foreach($ times as $ period => $ name)
if($ exit> = $ precision ||($ exit> 0&& $ period< 60) )休息
$ result = floor($ passed / $ period);
// die($ result);
if($ result> 0)
$ output [] = $ result。''$ name。($ result == 1?'':'s'
$ passed - = $ result * $ period;
$ exit ++;
else if($ exit> 0)$ exit ++;
$ output = implode('和',$ output)。
// die($ output);
return $ output;
函数formatTweet($ company_logo ='',$ company_name ='moovjob',$ tweet,$ dt)
if(is_string($ dt) )$ dt = strtotime($ dt);
$ tweet = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($ tweet));
// die(print_r($ dt));
< li>< a href =#>< img class =avatarsrc =/ media / images / employer /'.$ company_logo.'width = 48height =48alt =avatar/>< / a>
< div class =tweetTxt>
< strong>< a href = &';'。$ company_name。'< / a>< / strong>'。preg_replace('/((?:http | https | ftp)):\ / \ /(?:[A-Z0- 9] [A-Z0-9 _-] *(?:\。[A-Z0-9] [A-Z0-9 _-] *)+):?(\d +)?\ /?[^ \s\\'] +)/ i','< a href =$ 1rel =nofollowtarget =blank> $ 1< / a>',$ tweet)。
< div class =date>'。relativeTime($ dt)。'< / div>
< / div>
< div class =clear>< / div>
< / li>';
如果您使用PHP 5.3或更高版本,您可以利用新增的类别PHP。
I am trying to create a news feed, and as part of that I am wanting to display to the user how long it has been since the news article was published, something that would look like this,
However all I am getting from my function is this,
This is what I get whatever the time stamp I send to the function, the function that works out the time since posting,
function relativeTime($dt,$precision=2)
$times=array( 365*24*60*60 => "year",
30*24*60*60 => "month",
7*24*60*60 => "week",
24*60*60 => "day",
60*60 => "hour",
60 => "minute",
1 => "second");
$output='less than 5 seconds ago';
foreach($times as $period=>$name)
if($exit>=$precision || ($exit>0 && $period<60)) break;
$result = floor($passed/$period);
$output[]=$result.' '.$name.($result==1?'':'s');
else if($exit>0) $exit++;
$output=implode(' and ',$output).' ago';
// die($output);
return $output;
$dt = the timestamp something that would look similar to this, 1292534103
In the format tweet function, I am able to get a value from $dt
, however when I pass $dt
to relativeTime from within the formatTweet function it returns as false, below are both functions,
function relativeTime($dt,$precision=2)
$times=array( 365*24*60*60 => "year",
30*24*60*60 => "month",
7*24*60*60 => "week",
24*60*60 => "day",
60*60 => "hour",
60 => "minute",
1 => "second");
$output='less than 5 seconds ago';
foreach($times as $period=>$name)
if($exit>=$precision || ($exit>0 && $period<60)) break;
$result = floor($passed/$period);
$output[]=$result.' '.$name.($result==1?'':'s');
else if($exit>0) $exit++;
$output=implode(' and ',$output).' ago';
// die($output);
return $output;
And the formatTweet function
function formatTweet($company_logo = '', $company_name = 'moovjob', $tweet, $dt)
if(is_string($dt)) $dt=strtotime($dt);
<li><a href="#"><img class="avatar" src="/media/images/employers/'.$company_logo.'width="48" height="48" alt="avatar" /></a>
<div class="tweetTxt">
<strong><a href="#">'.$company_name.'</a></strong> '. preg_replace('/((?:http|https|ftp):\/\/(?:[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*(?:\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+):?(\d+)?\/?[^\s\"\']+)/i','<a href="$1" rel="nofollow" target="blank">$1</a>',$tweet).'
<div class="date">'.relativeTime($dt).'</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
If you're using PHP 5.3 or newer, you can take advantage of the new Date and Time classes added to PHP.
Specifically, DateTime
has a diff
method that returns a DateInterval
class, which you can then format