我正在3D环境(100x100x100虚拟立方体)中工作,其中每个点均由其x,y和z位置定义.我们有两点:A的位置为x:20 y:35 z:40,B的位置为x:50 y:40 z:85.使用此算法( https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/108547/如何从两个xyz坐标中计算距离和倾角)我能够找到距离,方位角和海拔高度从A看到的B的数字.
I'm working in a 3D environment (a 100x100x100 virtual cube) where each point is defined by its x, y and z position. We have two points: A with position x:20 y:35 z:40 and B x:50 y:40 z:85. Using this algo (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/108547/how-to-calculate-distance-azimuth-and-dip-from-two-xyz-coordinates) I'm able to find the distance, the azimuth and the elevation of B seen from A.
let ax = 20;
let ay = 35;
let az = 40;
let bx = 50;
let by = 40;
let bz = 85;
let dx = bx-ax;
let dy = by-ay;
let dz = bz-az;
let dist = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(dx,2) + Math.pow(dy,2) + Math.pow(dz,2) ); // SQRT((x2–x1)2+(y2–y1)2+(z2–z1)2)
let azim = toDeg( Math.atan( dx / dy ) ); // arctan((x2–x1)/(y2–y1))
let elev = toDeg( Math.asin( dz / dist ) ); // arcsin ((z2–z1) / distance)
Azimuth+elevation are converted in degrees with the function toDeg() for verification
function toDeg (angle) {
let a = angle * (180 / Math.PI);
return a
dist = 54.31390245600108
azim = 80.53767779197439
elev = 55.94671404468539
现在的问题是:如何获取B的初始值?知道B的A pos(20,35,40)和dist + azim + elev,是否有可能获得其位置50,40,85?
The question is now: how to retrieve B initial values? Knowing the A pos (20,35,40) and dist+azim+elev of B, is it possible to obtain its position 50,40,85?
假设Math函数没有返回准确的结果(小数点后的截断),绝对精度并不重要,因为使用Math.round()找到49.9999(而不是50)会给出正确的值->点x:49.9999 y:40.0002z:84,9999不存在于多维数据集中.
Supposing Math functions don't return the exact result (truncated decimals) an absolute precision is not important because finding i.e 49.9999 instead of 50 gives the correct value with Math.round() -> the point x:49.9999 y:40.0002 z:84,9999 doesn't exist in the cube.
let azim = Math.atan( dx / dy ); // keep result in radians
let elev = Math.asin( dz / dist );
X = Math.round( dist * ( Math.cos( elev ) * Math.sin( azim ) ) );
Y = Math.round( dist * ( Math.cos( elev ) * Math.cos( azim ) ) );
Z = Math.round( dist * Math.sin( elev ) );
Last prob to solve: in some cases (i.e X negative and ax lower than Math.abs(X) ) X and Y are wrong. Instead of coding conditions (if/else...) I'm now looking for a way to obtain directly the right results.