


I was reading a little bit about malloc and found the following in the malloc's man page:


So basically starting from the threshold MMAP_THRESHOLD malloc start using mmap.

  1. 是否有任何理由要大块切换到mmap?
  2. 这会影响流程执行性能吗?
  3. mmap系统调用是否会强制进行上下文切换?



(1) Pages acquired via anonymous mmap can be released via munmap, which is what glibc is doing. So for small allocations, free returns memory to your process's heap (but retains them in the process's memory); for large allocations, free returns memory to the system as a whole.


(2) Pages acquired via anonymous mmap are not actually allocated until you access them the first time. At that point, the kernel has to zero them to avoid leaking information between processes. So, yes, the pages acquired by mmap are slower to access the first time than those recycled through your process's heap. Whether you will notice the difference depends on your application.


The cost of not using mmap is that freed memory is still tied up by your process and unavailable to other processes on the system. So this is ultimately a trade-off.

(3)它不会强制"上下文切换,而且我相信不太可能引起上下文切换. mmap实际上并不分配页面;它只是为您的过程操纵页面映射.那通常应该是非阻塞操作. (尽管我承认我对此不是100%肯定.)

(3) It does not "force" a context switch and is, I believe, unlikely to cause one. mmap does not actually allocate the pages; it just manipulates the page map for your process. That should typically be a non-blocking operation. (Although I admit I am not 100% sure about this.)


09-05 09:08