


Problem: Mesh generation from 3D points (with x, y and z coordinates).


What I have is points in 3D space (with x, y and z coordinates) you can see it in image 1.
What would be the output is image 2 or image 3 or image 4. In short it would be mesh. Material on it can be provide if I have mesh.


I have seen many people say about Delaunay triangulations or constrained Delaunay triangulations will help me in mesh generation, but what I mostly found is its implementation in 2D points (with only x and Y coordinates).


But my problem is: I have points in 3D as you can see from image 1.


Will Delaunay triangulations or constrained Delaunay triangulations work fine with 3D Points? If yes, then how? Or do I have to found another algorithm for generating mesh from 3D points?

注意: Delaunay三角二维点驾驶室的一个很好的解释中找到

Note: One good explanation of Delaunay triangulations for 2D points cab be found here



here are some other good links for mesh generation and its related work.

TetGen:质量四面体网格生成 HTTP://tetgen.berlios .DE / index.html的  http://tetgen.berlios.de/index.html

TetGen : A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator http://tetgen.berlios.de/index.html http://tetgen.berlios.de/index.html

CGAL -Computational几何算法库 http://www.cgal.org/ 。的. http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html /cgal_manual/contents.html#part_VI
三维曲面网格生成 - 的

CGal-Computational Geometry Algorithms Libraryhttp://www.cgal.org/.http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html/cgal_manual/packages.html#Pkg:Triangulation3.http://www.cgal.org/Manual/latest/doc_html/cgal_manual/contents.html#part_VI.
3D Surface Mesh Generation - http://www.cgal.org/Manual/3.3/doc_html/cgal_manual/Surface_mesher/Chapter_main.html

GTSLibrary - 的GNU三角表面库。 http://gts.sourceforge.net/index.html

GTSLibrary – The GNU Triangulated Surface Library.http://gts.sourceforge.net/index.html

乔纳森Shewchuk - HTTP://www.cs.berkeley埃杜/〜JRS /      http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html

Jonathan Shewchuk - http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jrs/ http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html

VTK:的可视化工具包(VTK)是一个开源的,免费提供的软件系统的 http://www.vtk.org/

VTK: The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system http://www.vtk.org/.

体积和表面啮合 - HTTP: //www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~tamaldey/mesh.htm

Poly2Tri:一个开源CDT库 HTTP:/ /$c$c.google.com/p/poly2tri/

CM2Mesh工具 - HTTP://www.computing-objects .COM / index.php文件

自适应细分 - 的http:// fluxionsdividebyzero .COM / P1 /数学/几何/ g046.html#_3D

CUBIT - 腕尺几何和网格生成工具包。 http://cubit.sandia.gov/index.html

CUBIT – The CUBIT Geometry and Mesh Generation Toolkit.http://cubit.sandia.gov/index.html

几何在行动 - HTTP:// WWW .ics.uci.edu /〜Eppstein的/ geom.html

SlimDX - SlimDX是一个免费的开源框架,使开发人员能够轻松构建使用.NET技术,DirectX应用程序,如C#,VB   http://slimdx.org/

SlimDX - SlimDX is a free open source framework that enables developers to easily build DirectX applications using .NET technologies such as C#, VB http://slimdx.org/


08-21 12:21