我的工作我的研究RNA结构演变Python项目(psented作为一个字符串,例如重新$ P $:(((?))),其中括号再present个碱基对)。该点的存在是我有一个理想的结构和演变朝着理想的结构人口。我已经实现的事情,但是我想补充一个功能,我可以在每一代获得了数桶,即第k最重presentative结构在人群中。
I am working on a python project where I study RNA structure evolution (represented as a string for example: "(((...)))" where the parenthesis represent basepairs). The point being is that I have an ideal structure and a population that evolves towards the ideal structure. I have implemented everything however I would like to add a feature where I can get the "number of buckets" ie the k most representative structures in the population at each generation.
我想用K-means算法,但我不知道如何使用它的字符串。我发现 scipy.cluster.vq ,但我不知道如何使用它我的情况。
I was thinking of using the k-means algorithm but I am not sure how to use it with strings. I found scipy.cluster.vq but I don't know how to use it in my case.
K-means doesn't really care about the type of the data involved. All you need to do a K-means is some way to measure a "distance" from one item to another. It'll do its thing based on the distances, regardless of how that happens to be computed from the underlying data.
这是说,我没有使用 scipy.cluster.vq
That said, I haven't used scipy.cluster.vq
, so I'm not sure exactly how you tell it the relationship between items, or how to compute a distance from item A to item B.