![scaled scaled]()
本文介绍了[UWP]无法为UWP应用生成应用包的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞!当我尝试生成UWP商店套餐时,我收到错误When I am trying to generate the UWP store package I am getting the error "应用清单引用图像\Assets\ApplicationAssets\StoreLogo.png',它在主应用包中没有候选者" "应用程序清单引用图像\Assets\ApplicationAssets\600x600.png',它在主应用程序包中没有候选者" 与其他应用清单图像类似 请帮助。推荐答案Hello HagadeshNS,图像的比例是多少?我怀疑这是因为你的图像没有正确缩放,命名错误。What is the scale for your images? I suspect it is because your images are not scaled properly and the naming are wrong.请参阅: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/maartenb/archive/2015/10/06/missing-default-200-logos-and-appx3210.aspx主应用程序包包含任何默认比例的资源。通用Windows应用程序的默认资产规模为200.如果您的项目包含未缩放为200的资产,则需要添加< UapDefaultAssetScale>具有此属性组的资产规模的值的元素。了解有关 资产和比例The main app package contains resources for whatever the default scale is. The default asset scale for Universal Windows apps is 200. If your project includes assets not scaled at 200, you will need to add a <UapDefaultAssetScale> element with the value of the scale of your assets to this PropertyGroup. Learn more aboutassets and scales所以您需要做的是将图像更改为正确的比例并相应地重命名其后缀(例如scale-200),或者通过打开.csproject来更改默认比例;文件在文本编辑器中,并按照中的说明移植文章在上述博文中链接。So what you need to do is either change your images to the correct scale and rename their suffix accordingly (e.g. scale-200), or change the default scale by opening the .csproject file in a text editor and following the instructions in theporting article linked in said blog post.有问候, Krunal ParekhKrunal Parekh 这篇关于[UWP]无法为UWP应用生成应用包的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 08-23 19:07