




z.norm <- (z.data - min(z.data))/(max(z.data)-min(z.data))mycramp<-colorRamp(c("darkblue","yellow"))mycolors

r plotly 上的文档可能有点欠缺.我认为这就是你正在寻找的东西.您想使用 name 参数.colorname 都必须包含在内.我们必须手动定义 name 参数的级别.我们也可以将 color 设置为因数,但这样我们就失去了色带.colors 让我们使用 RColorBrewer 调色板更改调色板.

plot_ly() %>%add_markers(x = x.data,y = y.数据,showlegend = F, # 必须在此处隐藏图例,否则会显示两次name = factor(z.data, levels = z.data, labels = z.data), # 这是缺失的颜色 = z.data,颜色=Set1",error_x = 列表(数组 = x.err),error_y = 列表(数组 = y.err))

Let me start by saying I have tried the methods outlined in Color coding error bars in a plotly scatter plot, but I have not been able to get them to work. From what I can tell there were changes in how coloraxes are treated in plotly version 4, which might be why this no longer solves the problem.

I want to make a simple scatterplot of two variables with error bars for each variable. I would like the color of the points and their error bars to follow a scale determined by a third variable. I have been unable to make the error bar colors match the markers. Below are a couple simple methods I tried and their results.

x.data <- rnorm(20, 0, 1)
y.data <- rnorm(20, 2, 1)
x.err <- runif(20, 0.2, 0.8)
y.err <- runif(20, 0.2, 0.8)
z.data <- runif(20, 1.7, 2.8)

p <- plot_ly() %>%
  add_markers(x=x.data, y=y.data,
              error_x=list(array=x.err, color=z.data),
              error_y=list(array=y.err, color=z.data),
              marker=list(color=z.data, colorscale='Viridis',
                          colorbar=list(title='Z', limits=range(z.data)))) %>%
  layout(xaxis=list(title='X'), yaxis=list(title='Y'))
z.norm <- (z.data - min(z.data))/(max(z.data)-min(z.data))
mycolors<-rgb(mycramp(z.norm), maxColorValue = 255)

p <- plot_ly() %>%
  add_markers(x=x.data, y=y.data,
              error_x=list(array=x.err, color=mycolors),
              error_y=list(array=y.err, color=mycolors),
                          colorbar=list(title='Z', limits=range(z.data)))) %>%
  layout(xaxis=list(title='X'), yaxis=list(title='Y'))

The documentation on r plotly can be a bit lacking. I think this is what you're looking for though. You want to use the name argument. Both color and name have to be included. We have to define the name argument's levels manually. We can set color to factor as well but then we lose the color ramp. colors let's us change the color palette using RColorBrewer palettes.

plot_ly() %>%
  add_markers(x = x.data,
              y = y.data,
              showlegend = F, # must hide legend here or it shows up twice
              name = factor(z.data, levels = z.data, labels = z.data), # this is missing
              color = z.data,
              colors = "Set1",
              error_x = list(array = x.err),
              error_y = list(array = y.err))


08-11 16:07