本文介绍了使用带浮动的pandas reindex:插值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Can you explain this bizarre behaviour?


In [9]: df.reindex(arange(1986,1988.125,.125))
1986.000     0
1986.125   NaN
1986.250   NaN
1986.375   NaN
1986.500   NaN
1986.625   NaN
1986.750   NaN
1986.875   NaN
1987.000     1
1987.125   NaN
1987.250   NaN
1987.375   NaN
1987.500   NaN
1987.625   NaN
1987.750   NaN
1987.875   NaN
1988.000     2

In [10]: df.reindex(arange(1986,1988.1,.1))
1986.0     0
1986.1   NaN
1986.2   NaN
1986.3   NaN
1986.4   NaN
1986.5   NaN
1986.6   NaN
1986.7   NaN
1986.8   NaN
1986.9   NaN
1987.0   NaN
1987.1   NaN
1987.2   NaN
1987.3   NaN
1987.4   NaN
1987.5   NaN
1987.6   NaN
1987.7   NaN
1987.8   NaN
1987.9   NaN
1988.0   NaN


When the increment is anything other than .125, I find that the new index values do not "find" the old rows that have matching values. ie there is a precision problem that is not being overcome. This is true even if I force the index to be a float before I try to interpolate. What is going on and/or what is the right way to do this?I've been able to get it to work with increment of 0.1 by using

reindex(  np.array(map(round,arange(1985,2010+dt,dt)*10))/10.0 )


By the way, I'm doing this as the first step in linearly interpolating a number of columns (e.g. "bomb" is one of them). If there's a nicer way to do that, I'd happily be set straight.



I think you are better off doing something like this by using PeriodIndex

In [39]: df=pd.DataFrame({'bomb':np.arange(3)})

In [40]: df
0     0
1     1
2     2

In [41]: df.index = pd.period_range('1986','1988',freq='Y').asfreq('M')

In [42]: df
1986-12     0
1987-12     1
1988-12     2

In [43]: df = df.reindex(pd.period_range('1986','1988',freq='M'))

In [44]: df
1986-01   NaN
1986-02   NaN
1986-03   NaN
1986-04   NaN
1986-05   NaN
1986-06   NaN
1986-07   NaN
1986-08   NaN
1986-09   NaN
1986-10   NaN
1986-11   NaN
1986-12     0
1987-01   NaN
1987-02   NaN
1987-03   NaN
1987-04   NaN
1987-05   NaN
1987-06   NaN
1987-07   NaN
1987-08   NaN
1987-09   NaN
1987-10   NaN
1987-11   NaN
1987-12     1
1988-01   NaN
In [45]: df.iloc[0,0] = -1

In [46]: df['interp'] = df['bomb'].interpolate()

In [47]: df
         bomb    interp
1986-01    -1 -1.000000
1986-02   NaN -0.909091
1986-03   NaN -0.818182
1986-04   NaN -0.727273
1986-05   NaN -0.636364
1986-06   NaN -0.545455
1986-07   NaN -0.454545
1986-08   NaN -0.363636
1986-09   NaN -0.272727
1986-10   NaN -0.181818
1986-11   NaN -0.090909
1986-12     0  0.000000
1987-01   NaN  0.083333
1987-02   NaN  0.166667
1987-03   NaN  0.250000
1987-04   NaN  0.333333
1987-05   NaN  0.416667
1987-06   NaN  0.500000
1987-07   NaN  0.583333
1987-08   NaN  0.666667
1987-09   NaN  0.750000
1987-10   NaN  0.833333
1987-11   NaN  0.916667
1987-12     1  1.000000
1988-01   NaN  1.000000

这篇关于使用带浮动的pandas reindex:插值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 11:10