


I have an array which only has values 0 and 1. They are stored separately in the array. For example, the array may have first 40% as 0 and remaining 60% as 1. I want to find out the split point between 0 and 1. One algorithm I have in mind is binary search. Since performance is important for me, not sure if binary search could give me the best performance. The split point is randomly distributed. The array is given in the format of 0s and 1s splitted.


在给数组 时,保持计数的看似聪明的答案并不成立.

The seemingly clever answer of keeping the counts doesn't hold when you are given the array.


Counting is O(n), and so is linear search. Thus, counting is not optimal!

二进制搜索是您的朋友,并且可以在O(lg n)时间内完成工作,您可能知道这是更好.

Binary search is your friend, and can get things done in O(lg n) time, which as you may know is way better.


Of course, if you have to process the array anyways (reading from a file, user input etc.), make use of that time to just count the number of 1s and 0s and be done with it (you don't even have to store any of it, just keep the counts).

如果要编写点库,则要写一个库,库中有一个名为getFirstOneIndex(sortZeroesOnesArr: Array[Integer]): Integer的函数,该函数接收一个由1和0组成的排序数组,并返回第一个1的位置,因此不计算二进制搜索

To drive the point home, if you are writing a library, which has a function called getFirstOneIndex(sortZeroesOnesArr: Array[Integer]): Integer that takes a sorted array of ones and zeroes and returns the position of the first 1, do not count, binary search.


08-19 14:30