本文介绍了正则表达式 (java) 匹配等于或大于 20、递增 5、不允许前导零的数字的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是新用户,如果这个问题应该在原帖中回答,请原谅:正则表达式匹配大于或等于 20 的数字,以 5 为增量,范围为 20 到 999

I am a new user, so excuse if this question should be answered in it's original post:regex match numbers greater or equal than 20, by increments of 5, range 20 to 999


Neverteless, here is the current question:

  • 匹配所有等于或大于 20 的数字(无上限)
  • 以 5 为增量
  • 无小数点
  • 不应允许前导零

使用 stackoverflow 用户 YMI 对另一篇文章的回应:

With stackoverflow user YMI response on another post:


用户 nhahtdh



However I would like to explorer the option of not having upper limit and the leading zeros not being allowed also.


我的回答和nhahtdh's 但请注意 \d+ 而不是 \d ,它对字符数没有上限.

My answer is very similar to nhahtdh's but note the \d+ rather than a \d which places no upper limit on the number of characters.


You'll want a regex like this:




To give a quick explanation of what's happening here:

  • \b 匹配边界,如空格或符号,以便 \bs 会从文本中找到完整的单词
  • 接下来我们为单词前缀提供两个选项,它可以是一个大于等于 2 的数字:[23456789]
  • 或者可以是 2 个或多个不以 0 开头的数字:[123456789]\d+
  • 对于我们的后缀,我们要求它是 5 的倍数:[05]
  • \b matches a boundary, like a white-space or a symbol so the \bs will find complete words from the text
  • Next we give two options for the word prefix, it can be a single number 2 or greater: [23456789]
  • Or it can be 2 or more numbers that are not led by a 0: [123456789]\d+
  • For our suffix we require it to be a multiple of 5: [05]

顺便说一句,您可以通过简单地消耗 0 然后匹配数字来匹配满足其他条件但也具有前导 0 的数字,注意添加 0* 它将匹配任意数量的前导 0:

Incidentally you can match numbers that meet your other criteria but also posses leading 0s by simply consuming the 0s and then matching the number, note the addition of 0* which will match any number of leading 0s:


这篇关于正则表达式 (java) 匹配等于或大于 20、递增 5、不允许前导零的数字的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 22:29