




Suppose I have a table as follows:

TableA =
    "Year", INTEGER,
    "Group", STRING,
    "Value", DOUBLE,
        { 2015, "A", 2 },
        { 2015, "B", 8 },
        { 2016, "A", 9 },
        { 2016, "B", 3 },
        { 2016, "C", 7 },
        { 2017, "B", 5 },
        { 2018, "B", 6 },
        { 2018, "D", 7 }

我想要一个返回顶部 Group 的度量根据其 Value Year 过滤上下文内或外工作的值。也就是说,它可以在这样的矩阵视觉中使用(包括总计行):

I want a measure that returns the top Group based on its Value that work inside or outside a Year filter context. That is, it can be used in a matrix visual like this (including the Total row):


It's not hard to find the maximal value using DAX:

MaxValue = MAX(TableA[Value])

MaxValue = MAXX(TableA, TableA[Value])

但是是查找与该值相对应的 Group 的最佳方法?

But what is the best way to look up the Group that corresponds to that value?


Top Group = LOOKUPVALUE(TableA[Group],
                TableA[Year], MAX(TableA[Year]),
                TableA[Value], MAX(TableA[Value]))

但是,这不会不适用于总计行,如果可能的话,我宁愿不必在度量中使用 Year (可能还有其他列

However, this doesn't work for the Total row and I'd rather not have to use the Year in the measure if possible (there are likely other columns to worry about in a real scenario).


Note: I am providing a couple solutions in the answers below, but I'd love to see any other approaches as well.

理想情况下,如果 MAXX 函数,该函数将指定找到最大值后要返回的列,这与 Excel函数具有。

Ideally, it would be nice if there were an extra argument in the MAXX function that would specify which column to return after finding the maximum, much like the MAXIFS Excel function has.


另一种方法是使用 TOPN 函数。

Another way to do this is through the use of the TOPN function.

TOPN 函数返回整行而不是单个值。例如,代码

The TOPN function returns entire row(s) instead of a single value. For example, the code

TOPN(1, TableA, TableA[Value])

返回 TableA 的前1行,该行由 TableA排序[值] 。与该顶部 Value 关联的 Group 值位于行中,但我们需要能够访问它。有两种可能。

returns the top 1 row of TableA ordered by TableA[Value]. The Group value associated with that top Value is in the row, but we need to be able to access it. There are a couple of possibilities.


Top Group = MAXX(TOPN(1, TableA, TableA[Value]), TableA[Group])

这将从中找到最大的 Group 第一个参数中的TOPN 表。 (只有一个 Group 值,但这使我们可以将一个表转换为一个值。)

This finds the maximum Group from the TOPN table in the first argument. (There is only one Group value, but this allows us to covert a table into a single value.)


Top Group = SELECTCOLUMNS(TOPN(1, TableA, TableA[Value]), "Group", TableA[Group])


This function usually returns a table (with the columns that are specified), but in this case, it is a table with a single row and a single column, which means the DAX interprets it as just a regular value.


08-11 13:47