

说,我有一个 datetime

given_time = datetime(2013, 10, 8, 0, 0, 33, 945109,

我想将其转换为 np.datetime64

> numpy.datetime64('2013-10-08T00:00:33.945109+0100')

。但是,如果我有一个数组 given_time

It works well. However, if I have an array of given_time:

given_times = np.array([given_time]*3) # dtype is object

两个 given_times .stype('datetime64') given_times = np.array([given_time] * 3,dtype = np.datetime64)将触发 TypeError:根据规则'same_kind'不能将datetime.datetime对象从元数据[us]转换为[D]


So, I have to specify the unit:

# or
given_times = np.array([given_time]*3, dtype='datetime64[us]')

$ b $我的问题是,为什么我必须在这里指定单位?它不需要 np.datatime64 构造函数中的单元。



I know it's an old question, but I'd try to answer in case anyone else comes across this.

  1. 截至1.11, numpy 不尝试自动将date / datetime对象的迭代转换为datetime64数组,这从

  1. As of 1.11, numpy doesn't try to automatically convert iterables of date/datetime objects to datetime64 arrays, this is pretty clear from this excerpt in the test suite:

# at the moment, we don't automatically convert these to datetime64

dt = datetime.date(1970, 1, 1)
arr = np.array([dt])
assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O'))

dt = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 12, 30, 40)     
arr = np.array([dt])
assert_equal(arr.dtype, np.dtype('O'))

理想情况下, numpy 将会使用正确单位的 datetime64 请参阅问题。

Ideally, numpy would figure that datetime64 with correct units could be used; see this issue.

  1. 从标量构建 datetime64 时,设置为 M8 [D] 对于日期对象,对于日期时间对象()。

  1. When constructing datetime64 from a scalar, the unit it set to M8[D] for date objects and to M8[us] for datetime objects (a relevant test).

您指定 dtype ='datetime64',或者类似地, dtype ='M8',单位设置为通用,稍后解析为 M8 [D] (尽管将其解析为 M8 [D] ,请参见问题):

When you specify dtype='datetime64', or, similarly, dtype='M8', the units are set to "generic", which later resolves to M8[D] (although it would be logical to have it resolve to M8[D], see this issue):

>>> np.datetime_data(np.dtype('datetime64'))
('generic', 1)
>>> np.datetime_data(np.dtype('M8'))
('generic', 1)
>>> np.datetime_data(np.dtype('M8[D]'))
('D', 1)
>>> np.datetime_data(np.dtype('M8[us]'))
('us', 1)

  1. given_times.astype('datetime64')不再引发异常在1.11中。

  1. given_times.astype('datetime64') no longer raises an exception -- this was fixed in 1.11.

从1.11开始,datetime64对象,所以传递一个datetime对象与 tzinfo 设置像提供的示例将触发一个废弃警告。

Starting from 1.11, datetime64 objects are timezone-naive, so passing a datetime object with tzinfo set like in the provided example will trigger a deprecation warning.


10-28 21:16