

我需要在 SSRS 2008 R2 中创建一个报告,该报告显示培训课程的日历".

I need to create a report in SSRS 2008 R2, which shows a "calendar" of training sessions.


我有一个会话,它有一个开始日期和一个结束日期,还有一个开始时间和一个结束时间.我想创建一个表格,其中的列是一个月的天数,而行是小时,在我的例子中是上午 8 点、上午 9 点......

I have a session that has a start date and an end date, and has a start time and an end time.I wanted to create a table in which the columns were the days of the month, and the lines were hours, in my case, 8 AM, 9 AM ...



I have a table where I can get all sessions, with a start date, with the start time and the end time.


My concern relapsed on the following aspects:

  • 您需要一张包含年、月、日的表格吗?
  • Ace 小时数怎么样?我还应该有一些桌子吗?还是直接在报表中创建表格?

我没有解决此问题的想法,想了解一些意见,如果可能,请在 Reporting Services 中执行此操作.

I'm out of ideas to solve this problem, and would like to know some opinions and if possible do this in Reporting Services.




I have this table with data sessions:

idSession  | nameSession | startDate  |        startTime      |        endTime       |
    1      |   module 1  | 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-01 09:00:00   |  2013-01-01 09:00:00 |
    2      |   module 2  | 2013-01-01 | 2013-01-01 14:00:00   |  2013-01-01 18:00:00 |
    3      |   module 3  | 2013-01-02 | 2013-01-01 09:00:00   |  2013-01-02 09:00:00 |


我已经创建了一个类似的报告,但很费劲.最终,我为列和行标题(小时和天)创建了一个主报告,并带有一个显示详细信息的子报告.所以我创建了一个数据集来列出每个小时的值(select '8:00' union select '8:30' union...等)并将其用作我的行值.列标题是根据提示的日期计算的——因此第一列将是选定的日期,第二列是选定的日期加上一天等,总共有 6 列,因为我们通常在星期一运行报告.星期六嵌套的详细报告根据从主报告传递的小时和日期值从 db 表中进行选择.

I have created a similar report, and it was a struggle. Ultimately I created a main report for the column and row headers (hours and days), with a subreport to show the detail. So I created a dataset to list each hour value (select '8:00' union select '8:30' union...etc) and used that as my row value. The column header is calculated based on a prompted date--so the first column would be the date selected, the second column is the selected date plus one day, etc. for a total of 6 columns since we typically run the report for Mon-Sat. The nested detail report selects from the db table based on the hour and date values passed from the main report.


08-11 13:27