


I need some help copying data from one excel worksheet to another. For example:


__ A __ B ___ C


1 aaa bbb ddd

1 aaa bbb ddd

2 bbb ccc eee

2 bbb ccc eee

3 ccc fff rrr

3 ccc fff rrr

4 ccc fff ttt

4 ccc fff ttt

5 ddd eee ggg

5 ddd eee ggg

6 aaa ddd eee

6 aaa ddd eee

7 bbb fff hhh

7 bbb fff hhh

8 eee eee eee

8 eee eee eee

所以对于上述记录,如果我做一个CTRL + F并搜索查找全部eee,结果将显示C2中的6个实例, B5,C6,A8,B8,C8

So for the above records if I do a 'CTRL + F' and search to find All 'eee' the results will show 6 instances in C2, B5, C6, A8, B8, C8


Now I want to copy the whole of rows 2,5,6 and 8 to another worksheet.



To achieve what you need please do the following (assuming your data is located in columns A:C starting row 2, i.e. there are headers):

  1. 输入D2(附加列): = IF(OR(A2:C2 =eee),1 ,0),但按 + + 而不是通常的 - 这将d efine一个ARRAY公式,并将导致 {} 括号(但不要手动输入!)。

  2. 自动填充公式为

  3. 将过滤器添加到整个A:D范围。

  4. 将值过滤器应用于列D,价值 1

  5. 复制整个过滤的列A:C并粘贴到任何地方 - 仅复制过滤的行。

  1. Type in D2 (additional column): =IF(OR(A2:C2="eee"),1,0), but press ++ instead of usual - this will define an ARRAY formula and will result in {} brackets around it (but do NOT type them manually!).
  2. Autofill formula as required.
  3. Add filter to the whole A:D range.
  4. Apply filter to column D for value 1.
  5. Copy entire filtered columns A:C and paste anywhere - only filtered rows will be copied.



09-19 06:02