I'm trying to find a legitamate wya to tell if the socket has a connection with the server. This becomes invalid if they haven't connected yet, or either the client or server has closed it.
This method is currently returning null before I ever connect to the server using this socket object. Can anyone explain to me why it does that, and how I can fix it?
private static bool IsConnected(Socket socket)
return !(socket.Poll(1, SelectMode.SelectRead) && socket.Available == 0);
了解套接字是否有效的 only 方法是发送一些东西并取回一些东西.其他所有方法都是谎言. .Available
The only way to know if a socket is valid is to send something and get something back. Every other way is a lie. .Available
only tells you whether there is data in the current read-buffer. The status is ... at best unreliable. Sockets can die without the OS noticing. Sockets can be artificially spoofed as "alive" by network hardware - in an attempt to prevent temporary network blips (especially for wifi or mobile users) severing all their sockets; but sometimes that device never comes back, and the device in the middle doesn't notice. This means that even TCP-level broken-socket detection is unreliable.
So: send some kind of test message and get something back. That is the only way.