


The spelling of the outlook does not work within the firm and I created a macro to clear the "Do not check spelling or grammar". But now I want to run it instead of me manually run automatically when you create a new message or reply

Private Sub Application_Startup()
' Check for an open email message ' Updated for Outlook 2010 on 11/1/11
If Inspectors.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
If ActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
' Iterate through the paragraphs and set the noproofing property to false
Dim wdEd As Object, intCount As Integer, par As Object
Set wdEd = ActiveInspector.WordEditor
For intCount = 1 To wdEd.Paragraphs.Count
    Set par = wdEd.Paragraphs.Item(intCount).Range
    If Len(par.Text) > 4 Then
        ' Try to skip any forwarded or replied-to message
        If LCase(Left(par.Text, 6)) = "from: " Then Exit For
        ' Otherwise, remove the immunity to spell checking
        par.noproofing = False
    End If
' Report and clean up
Debug.Print "Examined: " & intCount & " of " & wdEd.Paragraphs.Count
Set wdEd = Nothing
End Sub



Thanks for using the MSDN Forums


This is a spanish forum, I need to move your thread to the correct one so you can get the solution you need.


Regards and don't doubt to visit us again at your MSDN Forums


08-11 11:50