本文介绍了PowerShell构建一个2D HTML表格的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




您可以做的是将数据作为csv传递,然后使用 convertfrom-csv 将其转换为psobject运行 convertto-html :

  $ Table = @
'\\Domain\NLD Users' ,'2','6','2'
'\\Domain\FRA Users','5','7','0'

$表| | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header'OU','登录脚本不正确','名称不正确','没有说明'| ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -As Table

In my script I've collected all the data I want to report in different variables. Now I'm trying to generate an HTML-table so I can send this by mail.

What I would like to achieve is HTML-code that generates this:

OU                 | Logon scripts incorrect | Name incorrect | No description
\\Domain\NLD Users | 2                       | 6              | 2
\\Domain\FRA users | 5                       | 7              | 0
\\Domain\BEL users | 6                       | 1              | 1
TOTAL USERS: 2048  | 13                      | 14             | 3

I'm a bit confused on what would be the best approach for this (array, psobject, hashtable, ..). Because I'm not going to work with a foreach loop, the data would be static.

What I tried so far but isn't quite giving the desired result:

$Table = @( ('OU', 'Logon scripts incorrect', 'Name incorrect', 'No description'),
             ('\\Domain\NLD Users','2','6','2' ),
             ('\\Domain\FRA Users','5','7','0' ),
             ('\\Domain\BEL Users','6','1','1' ),
             ('TOTAL USERS: 2048','13','14','3' )
$Table | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment

It feels like I'm over-complicating things.


convertto-html is waiting for a psobject as its input.What you can do is pass your data as csv then use convertfrom-csv to tansform it to psobject the run convertto-html :

$Table = @"
'\\Domain\NLD Users','2','6','2'
'\\Domain\FRA Users','5','7','0'

$Table | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'OU', 'Logon scripts incorrect', 'Name incorrect', 'No description' | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -As Table

这篇关于PowerShell构建一个2D HTML表格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 12:19