

我是新来的猫鼬,为了地狱prevent异步I碰到所谓的。我已经使用了 async.series 的 NPM包,我的code看起来在下面

I am new to mongoose and in order to prevent ASYNC OF HELL I came Across an npm package called async. I have used the async.series of the async npm package and my code looks in the given format given below

var userId=1234
function findUser(callback){
         //Some Logic
   var schoolId=123;
   var schoolName=findSchool(123);

   var schoolId=1234;
   var schoolName=findSchool(123);


function findSchool(schoolId){
    //Some Logic
    var schoolName="XYZ High School"

 function findStudents(schoolName){
    //Some Logic

     // for Error Handling

在这里,我使用的是异步系列函数prevent地狱异步。我打电话异步系列电话是找到我的用户用户详细信息 findUser 函数模型使用用户id 然后我打电话了 findSchool 函数的 的内部 findUser 功能,发现学校的详细信息对于给定的 SchoolId 学校模式。一旦该函数返回调用我想找到根据特定学生的 schoolName findStudents 功能学生模式。

Here I am using an async series function to prevent the ASYNC of HELL. I am calling findUser function in the async series call which is find the user details from my User model using the userId and then I am calling the findSchool function inside the findUser function which finds school details for the given SchoolId in School model. Once the function returns the call I am trying to find the students based on a particular schoolName using the findStudents function on the Student model.

此过程重复进行不同的 schoolId 。我的问题是当我叫 findSchool 功能。由于它的模型异步调用( findOne ),我能够返回的值 schoolName 甚至在 findOne 为模型。

The process is repeated for a different schoolId. My Issue comes when I call the findSchool function. Since it has a asynchronous call (findOne) on the school model, I am able to return the value of the schoolName even before the findOne is completed for the model.

有没有一种方法,以确保给定函数 findSchool 不返回的值 schoolName 直到在 school.findOne()已成功完成?我想补充更清晰我的不要的我return语句的 的对应的<$ C的 findOne $内C> findSchool 功能。

Is there a way to ensure that the given function findSchool doesn't return the value of the schoolName until the school.findOne() has completed successfully? Just to add more clarity I don't want to my return statement inside the findOne of the findSchool function.


您应该仍然可以使用异步,但你需要 async.waterfall 为。下面是你需要考虑的内容:

You should still use async but you need async.waterfall for that. Here is what you need to consider:


A main method to call your async function:

var getInformation = function(){
    //Array of your functions in order, we will be back here later
  ], function (err) {
         console.log('Everything OK!');


Then you need your functions to be async friendly, that means you should use callbacks and give your data from one function to another. Something like this:

function findUser(callback){
  //Do something
  if('Everything OK'){
    callback(err, yourData); //err should be null if everything is OK and yourData should be the data that you wanna use in your next function. e.g. schoolId
    callback(err); //Something was wrong, "err" should have something different to null

function findSchool(callback, schoolId){ //Note that we receive the parameter schoolId here but not in the first function
  //Do something
  if('Everything OK'){
    callback(err, yourData); //err should be null if everything is OK and yourData should be the data that you wanna use in your next function. e.g. schoolName
    callback(err); //Something was wrong, "err" should have something different to null

function findStudents(callback, schoolName){
  //Do something
  if('Everything OK'){
    callback(err); //err should be null if everything is OK if this is the last function maybe we don't need to send back more data from here
    callback(err); //Something was wrong, "err" should have something different to null


Then you should call your functions in your main method:

var getInformation = function(){
    //Note that there is no need to tell the functions the parameters they are sending or receiving here
  ], function (err) {
         console.log('Everything OK!');


And that's it, you have 3 functions that should be executed one after the other and no callback hell is needed.


08-11 11:08