



我是 firebase 的新手.我使用 admin sdk(java 代码)将数据存储在 firebase 数据库中.我已经成功地完成了这部分.现在我想在创建数据库条目和通知时编写火基云函数

I am new in firebase . I am store data in firebase database using admin sdk(java code ). I have done this part successfully . Now i want write fire base cloud function on create of database entry and notification as

1. The function triggers on writes to the Realtime Database path where followers are stored.
2. The function composes a message to send via FCM.
3. FCM sends the notification message to the user's device.

由于我在互联网上进行了更多搜索,因此仅找到了 node.js 代码.

As i have search more on internet , found only node.js code for that.


是否可以编写firebase云功能使用 admin sdk 或 java 代码.请帮助我.

Is it possible to write firebase cloud functionusing admin sdk or java code.Please help me.


2020 年 5 月 30 日

Cloud Functions 现在支持 Java/JVM.请参阅发布博客文档 以获取信息.

There is now support for Java/JVM in Cloud Functions. Please see the release blog and documentation for information.


对于 Cloud Functions,目前在 node.js 环境中不支持 Java 或除 JavaScript 之外的任何其他语言或环境.

For Cloud Functions, there is currently no support for Java or any other languages or environments other than JavaScript in a node.js environment.


08-11 10:57