

我提交使用应用程序加载器iOS应用在App Store,但是,它永远不会过去的发送API使用到iTunes连接的阶段。没有错误 - 这个阶段只是不完整的。

I am submitting an iOS app to the App Store using Application Loader, however, it never gets past the "Sending API usage to iTunes Connect" stage. There is no error - this stage just doesn't complete.


I have verified that the Mac is connecting to the internet (I can visit websites). Also, the app is tiny (6MB) so this can't conceivably just be a long upload. I've tried leaving this for 20 minutes.

的背景。这是我在Flash CS5开发在Windows PC上,建造它分配在那里,现在的Mac上我加载最后文件到应用程序加载器来提交。它验证/验证文件就好了,但不会超越这一点。

The background to this is that I developed in Flash CS5 on a Windows PC, built it for distribution there, and now on the Mac I am loading the final file into Application Loader to submit it. It verifies/validates the file just fine, but won't go beyond this point.


Any ideas anyone? Perhaps it's a network issue?


我周围有前往X code>目录>应用程序>应用程序加载器>目录>的MacOS> ITMS>的java> LIB - 打开文本编辑net.properties和改线
#https.proxyPort = 443
 到 https.proxyPort = 80 。这使得能够使用HTTP端口HTTPS的应用程序。曾在此之后,立竿见影。希望这可以帮助。

I had this problem when behind a firewall.I got around it by going to Xcode > Contents > Applications > Application Loader > Contents > MacOS > itms > java > lib - Open net.properties with TextEdit and change the line# https.proxyPort=443 to https.proxyPort=80. This enables the application to use the HTTP port for HTTPS. Worked straight away after this. Hope this helps.


08-11 10:41