本文介绍了DNS - Firebase 连接到 Namecheap 仍然说需要设置?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


好的,已经不到 24 小时了,但已经超过 10 小时了,我觉得奇怪的是我仍然在 Firebase 中获得需求设置状态,只是试图重定向到一个自定义域,用 Namecheap 购买.我不知道我做错了什么,但在尝试访问我的网站时仍然出现不安全连接"错误.

Ok, it has been less than 24 hrs but more than 10, and I find it odd that I am still getting a status of Needs setup in Firebase just trying to redirect to a custom domain, bought with Namecheap. I don't know what Im doing wrong but I still get the "insecure connection" error trying to access my site.

以下是 Firebase 中指定的要添加到我的 Namecheap 记录中的记录:

Here are the records specified in Firebase to be added to my Namecheap records:

Namecheap 符合:

Namecheap is in accordance:

我将 @ 用于 Namecheap 指定的同一主机 - 有什么问题吗?如果没有,这需要多长时间?

I used @ for the same host as specified by Namecheap - is something wrong? How long should this take if not?


您需要将 CNAME 记录更改为您的 Firebase 应用网址:
example-app.firebaseapp.com.(确保在末尾包含点)并且您还应该更改两个 A 记录TTL> 到自动.

然后,删除 URL Redirect 记录.那应该可以解决您的问题.在进行这些更改后,我最多需要等待一个小时才能使更改生效.

You need to change the CNAME record to your firebase app URL:
example-app.firebaseapp.com. (Make sure to include the dot at the end) and you should also change the TTL on both A records to Automatic.

Then, delete the URL Redirect record.That should fix your problem. I'd wait up to an hour after these changes for the changes to take effect.

这是我的 namecheap DNS 设置的样子
我添加了 www A 记录,因为我的 Firebase 控制台中有重定向,但您不需要这些.

This is what my namecheap DNS setup looks like
I added the www A records because I have a redirect in my Firebase console, but you don't need those.

这篇关于DNS - Firebase 连接到 Namecheap 仍然说需要设置?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 10:30