



Plesk Onyx支持Node.js.我的Node.js管理器(来自Plesk扩展)目前支持两个nodejs版本.

Plesk Onyx supports Node.js.My Node.js Manager (from the Plesk extensions) currently supports two nodejs Versions.


Installing a new version with the centos package manager yum did not change anything.


Copying one of the versions, that are installed and putting them to a new folder e.g. 4/ in the directory structure used by the Node.js Manager also did not lead to results.

我需要Meteor 1.4.x应用程序的版本4.6.2.

I need the version Node 4.6.2 for Meteor 1.4.x applications.



在Plesk Onyx中启用节点支持:

Enable Node support in Plesk Onyx:

  1. 只需安装节点支持" 从您的更新和更新" Plesk界面中.
  2. 转到您的节点扩展"页面启用/禁用所需的节点版本
  1. Install the "Node support" simply from your "update and updates" Plesk interface.
  2. Go to your "Node extension" page enable/disable the node versions you need


In case you need additional node versions which does not come with the default node support installation:

  1. 安装> N ode V 版本 M anager 在您的服务器上
  2. 安装所需的版本,例如nvm install v4.8.4
  3. 将节点版本复制粘贴到plesk cp -R ~/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.4/ /opt/plesk/node/
  4. 然后将安装plesk sbin nodemng register /opt/plesk/node/v4.8.4/bin/node
  5. 通知您的专家组
  6. 转到您的节点扩展页面,其中列出了所有节点版本,单击刷新"并贴上"
  1. Install the Node Version Manager on your server
  2. Install the versions you need e.g. nvm install v4.8.4
  3. Copy paste the node version to plesk cp -R ~/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.4/ /opt/plesk/node/
  4. Then notify your plesk about your installation plesk sbin nodemng register /opt/plesk/node/v4.8.4/bin/node
  5. Go to your node extension page where all node versions are listed, hit refresh and voilá

如果在通过Plesk安装NPM软件包时遇到麻烦,请在SSH shell中使用流星所需的专用节点版本进行操作.

If you have troubles installing the NPM packages through Plesk do it within the SSH shell with the dedicated node version you need for meteor.

  1. nvm use 4.8.4
  2. cd /bundle/programs/server
  3. npm install
  4. 转到Plesk GUI,选择您的域,然后单击node.js
  5. 配置并运行应用
  1. nvm use 4.8.4
  2. cd /bundle/programs/server
  3. npm install
  4. Go to the Plesk GUI, select your domain, click on node.js
  5. Configure your app and run it


Opened a dedicated thread for this to help people finding it.

在Plesk Onyx中安装其他节点版本


08-11 10:09