

我已经设置了一个Centos 6 + CPanel 11 VPS,一切就在开箱即用的状态.我已经在public_html目录中安装了Phorum 5.2.20,但是Phorum导致了错误500.错误日志报告:

I've set up a Centos 6 + CPanel 11 VPS, and everything is as it was out of the box. I've installed Phorum 5.2.20 in the public_html directory, but Phorum is causing an error 500. The error log reports:

[2015年7月27日星期一11:21:57.770447] [core:error] [pid 14342] [client x.x.x.x:42531]标头之前的脚本输出结束:admin.php

[Mon Jul 27 11:21:57.770447 2015] [core:error] [pid 14342] [client x.x.x.x:42531] End of script output before headers: admin.php

代码在我的Debian LAMP服务器(以及我用来测试此问题的其他几个非Centos/CPanel LAMP堆栈)上正常工作,而Wordpress和其他一些东西在CentOS机器上运行良好.

The code works fine on my Debian LAMP server (and several other non-Centos/CPanel LAMP stacks I've used to test this), and Wordpress and some other stuff runs fine on the CentOS machine.


I've tried other code too, and it works on my other servers, but doesn't work on CentOS. Phorum is the only code that matters, so I made question focuses on that. I'm also reluctant to edit the core files of Phorum.





I have also faced the same issue after installing fresh installation on VPS, later I found It's a permission issue, Directory should be 755 and files should be 644 then only it works.

sudo chmod -R 755 projectfolder


08-11 10:00