

我是新来的Apache科尔多瓦和我无法得到科尔多瓦的Hello World应用程序显示在Android 。我说的是从所获得的默认应用程序从CLI科尔多瓦创建命令。

I am new to Apache Cordova and I can't get the Cordova "hello world" application to display on Android. I'm talking about the default application obtained from the "cordova create" command from the CLI.

我读的文件和安装的所有程序的要求(Node.js的,故宫,科尔多瓦5.0.0,我已经有一个Android SDK,所以我只需要更新PATH)。

I read the documentation and installed everything as required (Node.js, npm, Cordova 5.0.0, I already had an Android SDK so i just needed to update the PATH).


Cordova tells me the build is a success.


It then says the application is launched, but the only thing that changes on device/emulator screen is that a menu is opened (like on the following picture): http://i.stack.imgur.com/F7bI2.jpg


I tried on an emulator and on a real device, results are the same.

我查了API版本,它似乎是足够高(4.0.3)。我在Windows 7下,与Oracle JDK。我想,也许一个插件失踪并安装科尔多瓦 - 插件设备,但它确实改变什么。

I checked the API version and it seems to be high enough (4.0.3).I'm under Windows 7, with an Oracle JDK. I thought maybe a plugin was missing and installed cordova-plugin-device, but it did change nothing.


Is this a bug or do I miss something?Is there some mean to get an error report (nothing unusual appears with the "cordova run android" command)?



问题似乎是,将APK安装不正确。该应用程序实际上能够运行,当我用下面的命令安装了它(如cordova运行Android执行罚款但是Android 4.1.2不启动应用): ADB安装< path_to_apk>

Problem seemed to be that the apk was not properly installed. The application was in fact able to run when i installed it with the following command (as recommanded by jojo in cordova run android executes fine. But Android 4.1.2 doesn't start the app): adb install <path_to_apk>


So I checked Cordova code to see what happens when apk is installed, and manually launched the command Cordova is using:

亚行-s+ resolvedTarget.target +安装-r -d+ apk_path +'


It returns: "Error: unknown option -d"!

如果你只是删除了-d选项,应用程序通常与运行科尔多瓦运行Android 在科尔多瓦5.0.0你会发现这个COMMANDE在行101的文件平台\机器人\科尔多瓦\ LIB \ device.js(和平台311线\机器人\科尔多瓦\ lib目录\ emulator.js为科尔多瓦仿真机器人)。

If you simply delete the "-d" option, applications run normally withcordova run android. On Cordova 5.0.0 you will find this commande at line 101 of file platforms\android\cordova\lib\device.js (and at line 311 of platforms\android\cordova\lib\emulator.js for cordova emulate android).


I don't know what this "-d" option is meant too... Is this a Cordova bug?


-d 应该直接亚洲开发银行之后来(如 - 设备),而不是安装之后。所以,你可以将它去除它有吧。



08-11 09:48