



  $ cat Makefile.PHONY:configure-mytest-pathconfigure-mytest-path:../scripts/test.sh 


  $ cat scripts/test.sh#!/bin/bash设置-x导出MYTESTPATH =/Users/myname/go/mytestpath 


  $ echo $ MYTESTPATH 


  $ make configure-mytest-path../scripts/test.sh++导出MYTESTPATH =/Users/myname/go/mytestpath++ MYTESTPATH =/用户/myname/go/mytestpath 


  $ echo $ MYTESTPATH 

我希望 echo $ MYTESTPATH 应该打印/Users/myname/go/mytestpath ,但它会打印空白.我想念什么吗?还是这不是将变量导出到当前shell实例的方法?







修改第一个程序(您的外壳)环境的 only 方法是使用../scripts/test.sh 在该程序中(而不是运行 make ).

如果您运行 ./scripts/test.sh ,那么它也将不起作用:它将运行一个新的shell,新的shell将运行该脚本并设置环境变量,然后新的外壳程序将退出,您的第一个外壳程序仍将保持不变.

.命令是一个特殊的shell命令,它意味着:不要启动新的shell来运行该shell脚本;而是在当前shell中运行文件 中包含的命令,就像在shell提示符下键入命令一样.

在bash中,您可以使用 source 作为的别名.并键入 source ./scripts/test.h ,因为有人发现更容易理解:它们含义相同.



In my makefile, I would like to call a shell script through .PHONY statement. In my shell script i am exporting a variable and expecting it to be exported in the current shell instances. Make target runs fine but the variable does not reflect in the current shell.


$ cat Makefile
.PHONY: configure-mytest-path
        . ./scripts/test.sh

Shell script which i am using through the make target

$ cat scripts/test.sh
set -x

export MYTESTPATH=/Users/myname/go/mytestpath

Checking the variable value


Running the target

$ make configure-mytest-path
. ./scripts/test.sh
++ export MYTESTPATH=/Users/myname/go/mytestpath
++ MYTESTPATH=/Users/myname/go/mytestpath

Checking the variable value.


I am expecting echo $MYTESTPATH should print /Users/myname/go/mytestpath but it prints blank. Did i miss anything ? or this is not the way of exporting variable to the current shell instance ?

Thanks for understanding


It is not possible to do what you want.

A process's environment is created and handed to it by its parent. Once the child process starts, its environment is completely its own. It cannot be modified by its parent and it also cannot be modified by any children that it creates. The children will have their own environment copies and can change those, but they have no impact on the parent.

In your makefile, you have 3 processes: your shell (where you're typing make), which starts the make program, then make will start a new shell which will run the recipe.

There's simply no way for that third program to modify the environment of the first program. It can't even modify the environment of the second program (make).

The only way to modify the environment of the first program (your shell) is to use the . ./scripts/test.sh in that program (instead of running make).

If you run ./scripts/test.sh then it also won't work: that will run a new shell, the new shell will run that script and set the environment variable, then the new shell will exit and your first shell will still not have its environment changed.

The . command is a special shell command that means: don't start a new shell to run this shell script; instead, run the commands contained in the file in the current shell, as if you'd typed them in at the shell prompt.

In bash, you can use source as an alias for . and type source ./scripts/test.h because some people find it easier to understand: they mean the same thing.

You can also create a shell function or shell alias to do it, because those also run in the same shell process, not in a child process.

But, there's no way to do it through a makefile or by running make.


08-11 09:46