

本文介绍了如何使用javascript aws-sdk支持dynamoDB中的事务?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



We have a microservice written in node.js & we use dynamoDB for data storage. Value is stored in json format against key. In update service call, we fetch value for a key, update the json & save it.


Recently, we came across a condition where 2 calls wanted to update the value of the same key. So first call read the value, then second call read the value, first call updated & saved, then second updated & saved the value (usual case of race condition), so in this case update by first call did not get reflected in DB.

为了解决这个问题,我研究了一下;了解了dynamoDB的事务库。但它似乎还没有在node-js sdk中。

To handle this, I researched a bit & came to know about the transaction library of dynamoDB. But it seems that it is not yet in node-js sdk.

此外,我搜索了版本控制和版本。乐观锁定,但我再次在node-js sdk中找不到对此的支持。

Also, I searched about versioning & optimistic locking but again I did not find a support for this in node-js sdk.

这是否有任何更新?如果它的支持在不久的将来不会出现在node-js sdk中,还有哪些其他选择呢?什么是处理这个问题的最佳方法?

Is there any update with this? If it's support is not going to come in near future in node-js sdk, what are the other options? What could be the best way to handle this issue?


  1. 您可以进行原子更新,例如直接在Dynamo上递增数字而无需阅读,递增,更新。有关详细信息,请参阅

    Are both updates updating the same field? If so you can add a condition to the update that the old value equal what you read. That way if you try to save the 2nd new value, this condition will fail and it won't perform the 2nd update. See this

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08-11 09:40