

我在 sbt 中有一个相当长的运行任务,并且希望在它完成后收到通知,即使它失败了.我用这种粗鲁的方式部分做到了:

I have a rather long running task in sbt and would like to be notified audibly after it finished, even it if failed. I got partially there with this crudeness:

lazy val ding = taskKey[Unit]("plays a ding sound")
ding := {
  Seq("play", "-q", "/…/SmallGlockA.wav").run


I invoke aforementioned task like such:

sbt> ;test;ding


And while this works well if the task succeeded, it will of course not play the sound if the task failed, which – given that it's tests – is likely.


Any ideas how I can work around this? It doesn't have to be pretty or super robust – this will not get committed, it will just be a local thing for me.


我想出的解决方案是为 sbt 创建一个 AutoPlugin 来满足您的需求.

The solution I came up with is to create an AutoPlugin for sbt that does what you need.


Create a new file in project folder named DingPlugin.scala with following content

import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.PluginTrigger.AllRequirements
import sbt._

object DingPlugin extends AutoPlugin {

  private def wavPath = "/path/to/wav"
  private def playSound(wav: String) = ???

  override def trigger = AllRequirements

  override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
    Test / test := (Test / test).andFinally(playSound(wavPath)).value

重点是方法 andFinally 那个


playSound 的实现来源于这个问题与以下代码

The implementation of playSound is derived from this question with the following code

  private def playSound(wav: String): Unit = {
    import java.io.BufferedInputStream
    import java.io.FileInputStream
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem
    val clip = AudioSystem.getClip
    val inputStream =
        new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(wav))
    Thread.sleep(clip.getMicrosecondLength / 1000)

现在,您只需运行sbt test,无论测试是否成功,它都会播放声音.

Now, you can just run sbt test and it will play a sound regardless of whether test succeeded or not.


08-11 09:32