I am trying to implement a rather simple averaging during transformation of an image. I already successfully implemented the transformation, but now I have to process this resulting image by summing up all pixels of all 5x5 pixels rectangles. My Idea was to increment a counter for each such 5x5 block whenever a pixel in this block is set. However, these block-counters are by far not incremented often enough. So for debugging I checked how often any pixel of such a block is hit at all:
int x = (blockIdx.x*blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
int y = (blockIdx.y*blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
resultArray [0]++;
dim3 threadsPerBlock(8, 8);
dim3 grid(targetAreaRect_px._uiWidth / threadsPerBlock.x, targetAreaRect_px._uiHeight / threadsPerBlock.y);
CudaTransformAndAverageImage << < grid, threadsPerBlock >> > (pcPreRasteredImage_dyn, resultArray );
我期望resultArray [0]在内核执行后包含25,但它只包含1。这是由于CUDA编译器的一些优化?
I would expect resultArray [0] to contain 25 after kernel execution, but it only contains 1. Is this due to some optimization by the CUDA compiler?
resultArray [0]++;
满足(x 的所有主题尝试从
resultArray [0]
中同时读取和写入。 CUDA执行模型不保证同时内存事务的顺序。
All of the threads which satisfy (x<5)&&(y<5)
can potentially attempt simultaneous reads and writes from resultArray[0]
. The CUDA execution model does not guarantee anything about the order of simultaneous memory transactions.
You could make this work by using atomic memory transactions, for example:
if((x<5)&&(y<5)) {
atomicAdd(&resultArray[0], 1);
This will serialize the memory transactions and make the calculation correct. It will also have a big negative effect on performance.
You might want to investigate having each block calculate a local sum using a reduction type calculation and then sum the block local sums atomically or on the host, or in a second kernel.