

本文介绍了C++ 是否有必要在主作用域的末尾删除动态分配的对象?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 C++ 中使用动态分配的对象时,例如:

When using dynamically allocated objects in C++ eg:

TGraph* A = new TGraph(...);

应该总是delete这些,否则对象可能仍然在内存中控制权交还给父作用域.虽然我可以理解为什么这对于程序的子作用域和子例程来说是正确的,但对于 main 作用域是否同样计数?

One should always delete these because otherwise the objects might still be in memory whencontrol is handed back to the parent scope. While I can see why this is true for subscopes and subroutines of a program, does the same count for the main scope?


Am I obliged to delete objects that were dynamically built inside main()? The reason why this seems a bit redudant to me is that when main ends, the program also ends, so there is no need to worry about memory leaks.



Most of the modern OS always reclaim back all memory they allocated to a program(process).
The OS doesn't really understand if your program leaked memory it merely takes back what it allocatted.


But there are bigger issues at hand than just the memory loss:

请注意,如果需要调用 delete 的对象的析构函数执行一些非平凡的操作,并且您的程序依赖于它产生的副作用,那么您的程序就会成为 的牺牲品未定义的行为.一旦发生这种情况,所有赌注都将取消,您的程序可能会显示任何行为.

Note that if the destructor of the object whos delete needs to be called performs some non-trivial operation and your program depends on the side effects produced by it then your program falls prey to Undefined Behavior. Once that happens all bets are off and your program may show any beahvior.


Also, An OS usually reclaims the allocated memory but not the other resources, So you might leak those resources indirectly. This may include operations dealing with file descriptors or state of the program itself etc.

因此,在退出程序之前始终通过调用 deletedelete [] 来释放所有分配是一个好习惯.

Hence, it is a good practice to always deallocate all your allocations by calling delete or delete [] before exiting your program.

C++03 标准 3.8 第 4 段:


这篇关于C++ 是否有必要在主作用域的末尾删除动态分配的对象?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 07:37