




我的数据库允许所有员工随时输入他们的时间并获得报告。第一个屏幕有一个日历,该日历被锁定到付款期的最后一天,该日期是当前唯一的日期。用户从下拉列表中选择他/她的姓名,点击日历,然后点击下一步按钮。到达时间输入屏幕。有组合框可以选择成本代码,项目和公司名称。星期日至星期六的工作小时数可以单独使用,如果他们选择,员工可以在不同的行上输入每天的时间。这允许他们在常规时间,休假时间,在不同项目中工作的小时等单独的线路等。我们的大多数员工都是免税的,但是受薪的员工需要一种机制来在他们的所有工作时间内输入每行的日期。考虑到这个需求,我根据三个表放入了三个组合框:tblMonth,tblDay和tblYear。问题是,当我选择1月,作为一个例子,从cboMonth,所有可用的行都填充了1月。 cboDay和cboYear也会出现同样的情况。我真的无法弄清楚我哪里出了问题并希望得到任何帮助。




Hi all!

My database allows all employees to enter their time and get a report at any time. The first screen has a calendar which is locked to the last day of the pay period and that date is the only one currently in place. The user selects his/her name from a dropdown, clicks the calendar, then "Next" to get to the time input screen. There are combo boxes to select the cost code, project, and company name. Separate boxes are available for the number of hours worked Sunday thru Saturday, and the employee can input their time for each day on separate lines, if they choose to. This allows them to have a separate line for regular time, vacation hours, hours worked in different projects, etc. Most of our employees are exempt, but the salaried ones are needing a mechanism to enter the date in each line for all of their hours. With this need in mind, I put in three combo boxes based on three tables: tblMonth, tblDay, and tblYear. Problem is, when I select January, as an example, from cboMonth, all of the available lines are populated with January. The same thing occurs with cboDay and cboYear. I really can''t figure out where I have gone wrong and would appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance for whatever help anyone can render, and if you need to actually see the database, I will gladly send it.





What event code are you using on the combo boxes? Can you post it.


08-11 06:31