本文介绍了在Spring MVC Rest服务中缓存HTTP响应的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Spring MVC rest服务,该服务以XML返回数据。我想缓存此xml响应。我该如何实现?可以使用mvc:interceptors来做到这一点吗?

I have a spring MVC rest service that returns data in XML. I would like to cache this xml response. How can I achieve this? Is it possible to do this using mvc:interceptors?



You could make this work, but I think there are better solutions.

首先,如果要使用Spring MVC拦截器,则将使用postHandle方法将某些内容存储在缓存中,并使用preHandle来检查缓存和可能的绕行处理。问题是,您将什么存储在缓存中。您将需要存储完整的响应。这意味着您必须在postHandle中轻松地从ModelAndView获得完整的响应。这可能很容易,也可能不容易,具体取决于您的工作方式。

First, if you want to use Spring MVC interceptors, you'll use the postHandle method to store something in your cache and the preHandle to check the cache and possible circumvent processing. The question is, what do you store in the cache. You would need to store the complete response. This means that you would have to easily get the full response from your ModelAndView in postHandle. This may or may not be easy, depending on how you're doing things.

您很可能最好同时使用不同的缓存机制。我建议在Web服务器级别进行缓存。如果您要缓存在拦截器级别,尤其是这样,因为它正好位于Web服务器的下一个,并且在此重新发明轮子,我看不出任何好处。 Apache有一个缓存模块。 Nginx也是如此。清漆也很棒。

You're most likely better off using a different caching mechanism all together. I recommend caching at the web server level. This is especially true if you're looking to cache in the interceptor level as that is right "next" to the web server and I don't see any benefit in re-inventing the wheel there. Apache has a cache module. So does nginx. Varnish is pretty awesome too.


I should also mention that you should not cache until you've determined that you need to (don't prematurely optimize). This is a waste of your time and effort. Secondly, when you've determined that you do have performance issues that need to be fixed (and caching is the correct solution), you should cache the right data in the right place.


Now, say you've determined that you do have a performance problem and some sort of caching is a good solution. The next thing to determine is what can be cached. If, for every URL, you return the same data, then caching at the web server (Apache, nginx, Varnish, etc.) level will be your best bet.


Often, you will have cases where two clients will hit the same URL and get different data. This is most easily seen on a site like Facebook. I see different data when I'm logged in than my friend sees. In this case, you will not be able to cache at the web server level. You will need to cache inside your application. Usually this means caching at the database level.

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08-11 06:19