


In Haxe, is there any script or command that can automatically run a Haxe program in multiple target languages? I'd like to write a script that does the following:

1)将Haxe源代码编译为JavaScript,C ++,PHP和Java.

1) Compile Haxe source code to JavaScript, C++, PHP, and Java.


2) Display the output of the Haxe program in each target language.


您可以使用普通的hxml和一个特殊的js运行时来执行此操作,该运行时可将其输出到终端.我正在使用 phantomjs ,但其他环境(例如node.js)也是可能的.

You can do this with normal hxml, and a special js runtime that lets you output to the terminal. I'm using phantomjs, but other environments like node.js are possible.


Note that I need to add append a specific exit command in order for phantomjs to exit properly. See the phantomjs docs for more details. You'll also need to install hxjava and hxcpp from haxelib.


I'm using --next here to do multiple compilations in one pass. You can easily break this up into multiple hxml files, and manage it via a makefile, etc.

-main Main  
-php php                                                                        
-cmd echo "PHP:"                                                                
-cmd php php/index.php                                                          
-cmd echo "\n"                                                                  

-main Main                                                                      
-js bin/Main.js                                                                 
-cmd echo "phantom.exit();" >> bin/Main.js                                      
-cmd echo "JS:"                                                                 
-cmd phantomjs bin/Main.js                                                      
-cmd echo "\n"                                                                  

-main Main                                                                      
-cpp cpp                                                                        
-cmd echo "CPP:"                                                                
-cmd ./cpp/Main                                                                 
-cmd echo "\n"                                                                  

-main Main                                                                      
-java java                                                                      
-cmd echo "JAVA:"                                                               
-cmd java -jar java/java.jar                                                    
-cmd echo "\n"  


10-29 17:07