本文介绍了同一域中的Web API 2项目和MVC 5网站项目的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  • BreezeJS
  • OData
  • Web API 2
  • MVC 5
  • IDE:Visual Studio 2013

我一直在努力在一个解决方案中拥有一个Web API项目和一个单独的网站项目的想法.

I've been wrestling with the idea of having a Web API project and a separate web site project in a single solution.

  • 我的Web API 2项目打开为:localhost:2020/ExampleProject.API
  • 我的MVC 5 WebSite项目打开为:localhost:5050/ExampleProject.WebSite

默认情况下,网络api现在不允许跨源策略.因此,我尝试在Web API 2中启用CORS,尽管我能够使其工作,但它仅适用于最新的浏览器.我需要IE7与IE9的向后兼容性.

Now by default web api doesn't allow cross origin policies. So I played around with enabling CORS in my Web API 2, although I was able to get it to work, it only works for the latest browsers; I need the backward compatibility of IE7 to IE9.

所以我玩了JSONP.我不喜欢缺乏对此的支持.我能够使其适用于Web API 2项目,但如果使用breezejs Web api库来使用BreezeController,则无法使用.如果我想创建一个ODataController,它也行不通.

So I played around with JSONP. I'm not fond of the lack of support that exists for this. I was able to get it to work for my Web API 2 project, but it doesn't work if I wanted to use BreezeController if using the breezejs web api library. It also doesn't work if I wanted to create an ODataController.

因此,我正在摆脱跨源共享的想法;尽管希望将来无论我使用BreezeJS WebAPI帮助程序还是ODataControllers,对jsonp都有足够的支持.

So I'm moving away from the idea of cross origin sharing; though hoping that in the future there will be enough support for jsonp regardless if I use BreezeJS WebAPI helper or ODataControllers.

就目前而言,我不知道如何将我的WebAPI项目和MVC 5网站放在我可以拥有的相同域下:

For now, I have no idea how to put my WebAPI project and my MVC 5 Website under the same domain where I can have:

  • localhost/ExampleProject.API
  • localhost/ExampleProject.WebSite


Do I have to make some configuration in my host file? if I want to run my projects from VS2013 would it be able to run both projects under the same domain.. or do I have to keep on manually changing the URL in the browser?




I know this an old question, it was just that I forgot how to do it since it's been so long since I did this. Searching for the answers on google and on stackoverflow was difficult since the discussions talked about setting up cross origin policies instead of setting up a same origin policy.


I spent the good portion of my time putting everything on IIS.

  1. 创建了一个网站,并使其指向我的网站csproj和bin文件夹所在的物理路径.我给它提供了一个主机名"dev.example.com",并将我的主机文件更改为127.0.0.1以引用dev.example.com

  1. Created a website and had it point to the physical path where my website csproj and bin folder is located. I gave it a hostname of "dev.example.com" and changed my hostfile for to refer to dev.example.com

为该网站创建了一个Web应用程序,并将其设置为Web api 2项目.在那之后,一切都神奇地起作用了.

Created a Web Application for the website, and set it up for web api 2 project. Everything magically worked after that.

愚蠢的部分是,我可以在Visual Studio中轻松完成此操作.我记得在VS2010中,这会引起很多问题,但是在2013年,我认为错误已得到修复,并且现在可以使用.

The dumb part was, I could have easily done this in visual studio. I remember in VS2010, this cause many problems, but in 2013, I guess bugs have been fixed and it works now.


I had my WebSite project set up as



and created a virtual directory. I do this by right clicking the project, going to properties, under "Web" tab.


So basically, the rule of thumb was to get my website to be my main root domain, and to copy that full domain to any web application I want to add under it.



这篇关于同一域中的Web API 2项目和MVC 5网站项目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 05:37