


I have a Form instance with a single IntegerField.


The IntegerField renders to HTML as an <input> with type="text" and data gets POSTed back from an HTML form as a text string. However the form will not validate if the posted data has a string value for the IntegerField (passed in via a dict in the data parameter).


from wtforms import validators, Form, IntegerField 

class TestForm(Form):
    num = IntegerField('How Many?', [validators.NumberRange(min=1, max=100)])

test_form1 = TestForm()
print("HTML Render 1: %s" % test_form1.num())

data_in = {'num': '66'}  # Note '66' is a string as would be POSTed
test_form2 = TestForm(data=data_in)
print("HTML Render 2: %s" % test_form2.num())
print("     Validate: %s" % test_form2.validate())
print("       Errors: %s" % test_form2.errors)


HTML Render 1: <input id="num" name="num" type="text" value="">
HTML Render 2: <input id="num" name="num" type="text" value="66">
     Validate: False
       Errors: {'num': [u'Number must be between 1 and 100.']}


The docstring for IntegerField says:


How can I coerce a str into an int such that this form will pass validation?


是来自其中一个 WTForms 开发人员:

This is from one of the WTForms devs:


在表单构建过程中将使用通过formdata提供的数据来调用此方法 论点.

This will be called during form construction with data supplied through the formdata argument.

参数:valuelist –要处理的字符串列表.

Parameter: valuelist – A list of strings to process.


In your example the process_formdata method on IntegerField will never be called

您传入的是str,这不会被强制,因为您将其作为data关键字参数提供. data关键字参数确切表示您要验证的数据,而无需强制.因为'66'仍然是str,所以验证程序不会让它通过.

You are passing in a str and this will not be coerced because you are supplying it as the data keyword argument. The data keyword argument signifies exactly the data you want to validate without coercion. Because '66' is still a str the validators won't let it pass.

formdata关键字参数指示数据从网络中传入.这将通过该字段的强制过程进行.只有一个陷阱,它仅接受MultiDict之类的对象.如果您看下面的示例,我使用了 webob MutliDict,但是 Werkzeug 库中还提供了一个.如果将常规的python字典包装在MultiDict中,并将其作为formdata关键字提供,则表单将按预期验证.

The formdata keyword argument indicates the data coming in off the wire. This will go through the field's coercion process. There is only one catch, it only accepts MultiDict like objects. If you look at the example below I've used the webob MutliDict but there is also one supplied in the Werkzeug library. If you wrap a regular python dictionary in a MultiDict and supply it as the formdata keyword your form will validate as expected.

from wtforms import validators, Form, IntegerField 
from webob.multidict import MultiDict

class TestForm(Form):
    num = IntegerField('How Many?', [validators.NumberRange(min=1, max=100)])

data_in = {'num': '66'}  # Note '66' is a string as would be POSTed
test_form2 = TestForm(formdata=MultiDict(data_in))
print("HTML Render 2: %s" % test_form2.num())
print("     Validate: %s" % test_form2.validate())
print("       Errors: %s" % test_form2.errors)

HTML Render 2: <input id="num" name="num" type="text" value="66">
     Validate: True
       Errors: {}


09-26 22:30