


What will happen to messages posted to a virtual topic when there are no consumers listening ? Will the broker hold them for a certain while until a subscriber is available ?


More specifically :At T0 and T1 messages M0 and M1 are posted. At T2, consumer C1 connects, will he receive M0 and M1 ? Obviously messages M2 and M3 posted at T3 and T4 will be received by C1, but what will a new Consumer, C2, that connects at T5 receice ? All messages, M2 and M3, or none ?


如果主题是持久性的(有持久性消费者订阅该主题) ),代理将消息保留在主题中,直到所有持久消费者都使用了消息为止。

It depends on the nature of the topic:if the topic is durable (has durable consumers subscribing to it), the broker will hold the messages in the topic until all the durable consumers consumes the messages.if the topic is non-durable (no durable consumers), the message will not even be sent to the topic, as there will be no durable subscription.


For your example, I'll consider that you are using durable subscriptions / consumers:Case 1:

  • T-2 C1和C2永久订阅主题

  • T-1 C1和C2断开连接

  • T0:M0已发布

  • T1:M1已发布

  • T2:C1连接。 C1收到M0和M1

  • T3:M3已过帐。 C1收到M3

  • T4:M4已过帐。 C1接收M4

  • T5:C2连接, C2接收M0,M1,M2,M3,M4

  • T-2 C1 and C2 make durable subscription to the topic
  • T-1 C1 and C2 disconnect
  • T0: M0 is posted
  • T1: M1 is posted
  • T2: C1 connects. C1 receives M0 and M1
  • T3: M3 is posted. C1 receives M3
  • T4: M4 is posted. C1 receives M4
  • T5: C2 connects, C2 receives M0, M1, M2, M3, M4


That's because they are holding durable subscriptionsYou need to be very careful when using durable topics / queues: if the consumer doesn't unsubscribe, the broker will hold the messages until the message store explodes. You will need to make sure it doesn't happen (by setting eviction policies and / or putting a Time to Live on the messages).Of course the previous example will vary depending when the consumer does the durable subscription.


If you are using non-durable topics:

  • T-2 C1和C2正常订阅该主题

  • T-1 C1和C2断开连接

  • T0:M0已发布

  • T1:M1已发布

  • T2:C1连接。 C1没有收到任何东西

  • T3:发布了M3。 C1收到M3

  • T4:M4已过帐。 C1收到M4

  • T5:C2连接, C2没有收到任何东西

  • T-2 C1 and C2 make normal subscription to the topic
  • T-1 C1 and C2 disconnect
  • T0: M0 is posted
  • T1: M1 is posted
  • T2: C1 connects. C1 does not receive anything
  • T3: M3 is posted. C1 receives M3
  • T4: M4 is posted. C1 receives M4
  • T5: C2 connects, C2 does not receive anything


08-11 05:08