




public class A {
    public A {}
    void doSomething() {
        // do something here...


Right now, the class is setup where you can create multiple instances. But I also see a need where I might want to restrict the class to only one instance, i.e. Singleton class.


The problem is I'm not sure how to go about the design of accomplishing both goals: Multiple instances and one instance. It doesn't sound possible to do in just one class. I imagine I'll need to use a derived class, an abstract class, interface, something else, or some combination.


Should I create class A as a base class and create a derived class which functions as the singleton class?



Of course, the first thing should always be to question the necessity to use singletons. But sometimes, they are simply a pragmatic way to solve certain problems.


If so, the first thing to understand is: there is no solution that can "enforce" your requirements and prevent mis-use, but here is a "pattern" that helps a lot by turning "intentions" into "meaningful" code:


First, I have an interface that denotes the functionality:

interface WhateverService { void foo() }


class WhateverServiceImpl implements WhateverService {
  void foo() { .... }


Now, if I need that thing to exist as singleton, I do

enum WhateverServiceProvider implements WhateverService {
  private final WhateverService impl = new WhateverServiceImpl();
  void foo() { impl.foo() }


and finally, some client code can do:

WhateverService service = WhateverServiceProvider.INSTANCE;


(but of course, you might not want to directly assign a service object, but you could use dependency injection here)


  1. 核心功能实现单例概念之间的明确分离

  2. 保证单身语义(如果有一件事,那就是Java枚举真的很有用......那就是:提供万无一失的单身人士!)

  3. Full 可测试性(你看 - 当你刚才使用枚举时,没有将其作为接口使用...那么你很难在客户端代码中模拟该对象 - 因为你不能直接模拟枚举。)

  1. A clear separation between the core functionality, its implementation and the singleton concept
  2. Guaranteed singleton semantics (if there is one thing that Java enums are really good for ... then it is that: providing fool-proof singletons!)
  3. Full "testability" (you see - when you just use the enum, without making it available as interface ... then you have a hard time mocking that object in client code - as you can't mock enums directly).

更新 - 关于线程安全:

Update - regarding thread safety:


I am not sure what exactly you mean with "singleton concept".


But lets say this: it is guaranteed that there is exactly one INSTANCE object instantiated when you use enums like that, the Java language guarantees that. But: if several threads are turning to the enum, and calling foo() in parallel ... you are still dealing with all the potential problems around such scenarios. So, yes, enum "creation" is thread-safe; but what your code is doing ... is up to you. So is then locking or whatever else makes sense.


08-11 04:51