我为aop做了注释.当我在任何方法而不是控制器方法中使用它时,它运行良好.但是,当我在控制器的方法中使用它时,我的控制器停止工作.它开始为映射提供 404 not found 错误.我在这里发现了一个类似的问题:Spring 3 MVC @Controller with AOP 拦截器? 但我不知道该怎么做.我在控制器上的方法是:
I have made an annotation for aop. When I use it at any method rather than controller methods it works well. However when I use it at my controller's methods my controller stops working. It starts to give 404 not found error for mappings. I found a similar question here: Spring 3 MVC @Controller with AOP interceptors? but I don' know how to do it. My method at my controller is that:
@WebAuditable // This is my annotation that works at other methods
@RequestMapping(value = "/ad", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Accept=application/json")
Cd create(HttpServletResponse response, @RequestBody Cd cd) {
My interface that my controller implements is that:
public interface BaseController<T> {
public List<T> getAll(HttpServletResponse response);
public T getByName(HttpServletResponse response, String id);
public T create(HttpServletResponse response, T t);
public T update(HttpServletResponse response, T t);
附注:@SeanPatrickFloyd 说:
PS: @SeanPatrickFloyd says that:
注意当使用控制器接口时(例如用于 AOP 代理),使确保始终如一地放置所有映射注释 - 例如@RequestMapping 和 @SessionAttributes - 在控制器接口上而不是在实现类上
事情是:控制器映射是在运行时完成的,如果你使用 AOP 代理,代理对象在运行时没有注解,只有它们的接口有.我可以想到两种可能的策略来解决这个限制.
The thing is: controller mapping is done at runtime, and if you use AOP proxies, the proxy objects don't have annotations at runtime, only their interfaces do. I can think of two possible strategies to work around this limitation.
要么注释通用接口方法,要么(如果您不想建议所有控制器)为每个实现类型创建一个子接口,显式注释它们的方法.我知道这是很多重写的代码,并且与 AOP 的内容相反,但是在坚持使用基于接口的代理时,我不知道更好的方法.
Either annotate the generic interface methods, or (if you don't want to advise all controllers) create a sub-interface per implementation type, explicitly annotating their methods. I know that's a lot of rewritten code and contrary to what AOP is about, but I don't know a better way when sticking with interface based proxies.
另一种方法是使用 proxy-target-class="true" 切换到 CGLib 代理.这样代理类应该(我不确定)保留注释.
Another way would be to switch to CGLib proxies using proxy-target-class="true". That way the proxy classes should (I'm not sure about this) retain the annotations.
Update: annotating your interface should work like this (if it works)
public interface BaseController<T> {
public List<T> getAll(HttpServletResponse response);
public T getByName(HttpServletResponse response, String id);
public T create(HttpServletResponse response, T t);
public T update(HttpServletResponse response, T t);
注释基类不起作用,因为 JDK 代理不会公开任何不受接口支持的信息.
Annotating a base class won't work, because JDK proxies don't expose any information that's not backed by interfaces.
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