

我正在使用spring 3.0.0.

I'm using spring 3.0.0.


I have an endpoint that returns an object that I want to be serialized to JSON. When the request comes in with Accept: application/json, it works correctly. The request is currently coming in with */* as the Accept value. Unfortunately I don't have control over the request, otherwise I would change that. When */* is received, it throws a HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException exception.


Is there a way to map this accept pattern to application/json?

这与另一个问题非常相似,但主要区别是我需要将Accept标头设为*/*. 无法通过适当的响应解决Spring的Json

This is very similar to another question, but the key difference is I need to have the Accept header be */*. Spring's Json not being resolved with appropriate response


Here's what my controller looks like:

@RequestMapping(value = "/v1/endpoint", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public EndpointResponse runEndpoint(@RequestBody String jsonData) {

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    EndpointRequest opRequest = null;
    EndpointResponse opResponse = null;

    try {

        opRequest = mapper.readValue(jsonData, EndpointRequest.class);

        //....do stuff

    } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        return handleException(opResponse, e);
    } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        return handleException(opResponse, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return handleException(opResponse, e);

    return opResponse;




From everything I've gathered today there are 2 options to get around this issue.

  1. 编写一个BeanPostProcessor,它将更新MappingJacksonConverter上受支持的mime类型以接受/. (使用supportedMimeTypes属性不起作用....请参见 https://jira.springsource. org/browse/SPR-6214

  1. Write a BeanPostProcessor that will update the supported mime types on the MappingJacksonConverter to accept /. (using the supportedMimeTypes property just doesn't work....see https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-6214


Here's the solution I'm going with for now. It's not pretty, but neither is setting an Accept header of / when you are expecting application/json everytime. I ended up adding the ServletResponse object to my method and using the old school way of writing directly to the output stream to bypass the message converters and get my response returned.

@RequestMapping(value = "/v1/endpoint", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void runEndpoint(@RequestBody String jsonData,
ServletResponse response) {

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    EndpointRequest opRequest = null;
    EnpointResponse opResponse = null;
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

    try {

        opRequest = mapper.readValue(jsonData, EndpointRequest.class);

        opResponse = ...do stff...

        mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        mapper.writeValue(sw, opResponse);


        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        handleException(opResponse, e, response);
        } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        handleException(opResponse, e, response);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        handleException(opResponse, e, response);


If you have anything more elegant, I'd love to see it!


08-11 04:10