

本文介绍了如何在Spring Boot中为每个用户设置速率限制?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个Spring Boot Rest API,该API可以处理许多传入的请求调用.我的控制器如下所示:

I am developing a Spring Boot Rest API which handles a lots of incoming request calls. My Controller is something like below:


public class ApiController {
    List<ApiObject>  apiDataList;

    public ResponseEntity<List<ApiObject>> getData(){
        List<ApiObject> apiDataList=getApiData();
        return new ResponseEntity<List<ApiObject>>(apiDataList,HttpStatus.OK);
    public List<ApiObject>  getApiData(){
        List<ApiObject>  apiDataList3=new List<ApiObject> ();
        //do the processing
        return apiDataList3;


So now I wanted to set a ratelimit for each user. Say every user can only request 5 request per minute or something like that. How to set the rate limit for each user to make only 5 api calls per minute and if a user requests more than that I can send a 429 response back? Do we need thier IP Address?




You don't have that component in Spring.

  • 您可以将其构建为解决方案的一部分.创建一个过滤器并在您的spring上下文中注册它.过滤器应检查传入呼叫,并在一个时间窗口内对每个用户的传入请求进行计数.我会使用令牌桶算法,因为它是最灵活的.
  • 您可以构建一些独立于当前解决方案的组件.创建一个完成任务的API网关.您可以扩展Zuul网关,然后再次使用令牌桶算法.
  • 您可以使用已经内置的组件,例如Mulesoft ESB,它可以充当API网关并支持速率限制和限制.我自己没用过.
  • 最后,您可以使用具有速率限制和限制等功能的API管理器.结帐MuleSoft,WSO2、3Scale,Kong等...(大多数需要付费,有些是开源的,并且具有社区版).
  • You can build it as part of your solution. Create a filter and register it in your spring context. The filter should check incoming call and count the incoming requests per user during a time window. I would use the token bucket algorithm as it is the most flexible.
  • You can build some component that is independent of your current solution. Create an API Gateway that does the job. You could extend Zuul gateway and, again, use the token bucket algorithm.
  • You can use an already built-in component, like Mulesoft ESB that can act as API gateway and supports rate limiting and throttling. Never used it myself.
  • And finally, you can use an API Manager that has rate limiting and throttling and much more. Checkout MuleSoft, WSO2, 3Scale,Kong, etc... (most will have a cost, some are open source and have a community edition).

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08-11 04:03