


I have an object store with keypath "id" (autoincrement), and a unique index on that store with keypath "myId" that is generated from a server.When I need to update a record, I won't have "id" available, so how can I update the record just by using "myId" considering that the index is unique?


I already tried using mystore.put(record), but that gives an error since a record with "myId" already exists.


由于您在myId属性上已经具有唯一的键索引,因此可以基于该值检索记录.您需要使用 only IDBKeyRangecursor查询,如下所示:

Since you've already got a unique key index on your myId property you can retrieve the record based on that value. You'll need to use the only IDBKeyRange and a cursor query, like so:

var transaction = db.transaction('myStore');
var store = transaction.objectStore('myStore');
var index = store.index('myId_Index');
var keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only(obj.myId);

var request = index.openCursor(keyRange);

request.onsucess = function (e) {
    var cursor = e.target.result;

    if (cursor) {
        var item = cursor.value;
        obj.id = item.id;
        //save the object


Also, if you want to update using the same transaction you'll need to make it a readwrite not readonly as I did.


10-19 09:50