什么是Java最好的漂亮打印库?我的意思是一个用于打印带缩进,中断提示等格式化输出的库,不是用于美化/重新格式化Java代码本身的库。理想情况下,图书馆将与 System.out.println
What is the single best pretty-printing library for Java? I mean a library for printing formatted output with indentation, break hints, etc., not a library for beautifying/re-formatting Java code itself. Ideally, the library would "play nice" with System.out.println
and friends.
For an idea of what I'm looking for, see OCaml's Format module, particularly Format.fprintf.
[更新]我不是在寻找控制台窗口库。漂亮的打印库允许您定义格式化任意值的方法,以便保留缩进并在合理的位置选择换行符。这些库存在于,,,,。 在 xtc.tree.Printer中提供了部分功能
[UPDATE] I am not looking for a console windowing library. A pretty-printing library allows you to define methods for formatting arbitrary values such that indentation is preserved and line breaks are chosen at sensible locations. Such libraries exist for Haskell, Standard ML, OCaml, F#, and Scheme. The XTC library provides some of this functionality in xtc.tree.Printer
, but it is not nearly as flexible as the libraries in other languages.