本文介绍了XML导入INSPIRE GIS数据的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个非常具体的数据导入问题,而且我对XML数据集还很陌生,所以我的问题很可能是由于我缺乏理解.我想阅读Deutsche Bahn的德语轨道网络,该网络已在此处公开发布: http://data.deutschebahn.com/dataset/data-streckennetz (不幸的是,链接在德国)

I have a very specific data import problem and I am fairly new to XML data sets, so my problems are probably due to my lack of understanding.I would like to read in the German track network from Deutsche Bahn, which is published publically here: http://data.deutschebahn.com/dataset/data-streckennetz (link is in Germany unfortunately)

这将是直接链接: http://download-data.deutschebahn.com/static/datasets/streckennetz/INSPIRE_0618.zip

还有一个指向INSPIRE数据集的200页文档的链接,但它并不能真正帮助我理解解析XML文档. https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/documents/Data_Specifications/INSPIRE_DataSpecification_TN_v3.0.pdf

There is also a link to a 200 page document about the INSPIRE data set, but it does not really help me understand parsing the XML document.https://inspire.ec.europa.eu/documents/Data_Specifications/INSPIRE_DataSpecification_TN_v3.0.pdf


I downloaded the file to my WD and tried to read it using the XML package

data <- xmlParse(file.path(Folder,data.file.import), useInternalNodes = FALSE)


Looking at first childe shows the borders of the network I guess

< gml:Envelope srsName="urn gc:def:crs:EPSG::4258" srsDimension="2">
< gml:lowerCorner>47.397789564359 6.021325139431</gml:lowerCorner>
< gml:upperCorner>54.907638367755 15.031955280103</gml:upperCorner>
< /gml:Envelope>
< /wfs:boundedBy>


The other children do not help me much. The second is a list of names and the third a complex list.



Can anybody help me somehow or point to a link where I could learn how to parse this?


这是GML文件,因此嵌入到 rgdal sf 包.因此:

This is a GML file and so it can be read by the OGR drivers embedded into the rgdal and sf packages. Hence:

> sf::st_layers("./DB-Netz_INSPIRE_20171116.xml")
Driver: GML
Available layers:
               layer_name geometry_type features fields
1                 Network            NA        1     12
2     ConditionOfFacility            NA     7072     15
3              MarkerPost         Point    34325     11
4    TrafficFlowDirection            NA     7072     15
5        VerticalPosition            NA     1313     15

可以使用 sf :: st_read :

> nodes = sf::st_read("./DB-Netz_INSPIRE_20171116.xml","RailwayNode")
Reading layer `RailwayNode' from data source `/home/rowlings/Downloads/SO/train/DB-Netz_INSPIRE_20171116.xml' using driver `GML'
Simple feature collection with 21457 features and 20 fields
geometry type:  POINT
dimension:      XY
bbox:           xmin: 6.021325 ymin: 47.39779 xmax: 15.03196 ymax: 54.90462
epsg (SRID):    4258
proj4string:    +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +no_defs
> plot(nodes$geom)


which produces a set of points that I can see outline Germany quite nicely.

还可以使用 st_read 读取非空间数据,并在可能的情况下返回数据帧:

The non-spatial data can also be read with st_read and returns a data frame when possible:

> ds = sf::st_read("./DB-Netz_INSPIRE_20171116.xml","DesignSpeed")
Reading layer `DesignSpeed' from data source `/home/rowlings/Downloads/SO/train/DB-Netz_INSPIRE_20171116.xml' using driver `GML'
Warning message:
no simple feature geometries present: returning a data.frame or tbl_df


I guess this is the speed limits for various sections of rail - you'll have to lookup the metadata to see how the IDs match up between tables like this and geographic data:

> head(ds)
       gml_id                    identifier applicableDirection fromPosition
1 Spd-2046676 urn:x-dbnetze:oid:Spd-2046676                <NA>            0
2 Spd-2046677 urn:x-dbnetze:oid:Spd-2046677                <NA>            0
3 Spd-2046678 urn:x-dbnetze:oid:Spd-2046678                <NA>            0
4 Spd-2046679 urn:x-dbnetze:oid:Spd-2046679                <NA>            0
5 Spd-2046680 urn:x-dbnetze:oid:Spd-2046680                <NA>            0
6 Spd-2046681 urn:x-dbnetze:oid:Spd-2046681                <NA>            0
[etc etc etc etc]

这篇关于XML导入INSPIRE GIS数据的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 02:28