

我试图使用来自Boost.Geometry的rtree创建多线程空间索引,但是我无法确定这是否是线程安全的。我在rtree.hpp里没有看到任何锁定机制,但我的C ++ / Boost知识是在初学者级别。

I am trying to create a multithreaded spatial index using rtree from Boost.Geometry, however I am unable to determine if this is thread safe. I do not see any locking mechanisms inside rtree.hpp, but my C++/Boost knowledge is at a beginners level.


Is Boost.Geometry.index.rtree thread safe in any way? If not, what would be the optimal approach to use it with multiple threads in a safe manner (e.g. mutex lock between insert() calls? Am I able to query() at the same time as insert()?). Specifically I'm trying to get better query (read) performance.



您需要互斥,可以使用自旋锁,简单互斥,共享/可升级互斥等。 p>

You need mutual exclusion. You can do this with spinlocks, simple mutex, shared/upgradable mutex etc.


Certainly not. That's called a data race and it's what you need the mutual exclusion (aka monitor) for in the first place.


Adding threads doesn't make things faster. It makes things slower. Always.


The trick is that you can do other things at the same time.

您/可以/并行运行多个只读操作。通常,库容器可以安全地从多个线程用于只读操作(尽管您可能想要对隐藏的成员(实现中)中的任何 mutable 执行快速扫描。

You /can/ run multiple read-only operations in parallel. Usually, library containers are safe to use from multiple threads for read-only operations (although you might want to do a quick scan for any mutable members hidden( in the implementation).


08-11 02:26