

日期存储在DB中,例如:"datetime"字段中的"2011-05-26 11:00:00".我想查找日期大于本月初的所有行,即:2011-05-01 09:00:00

Dates are stored in DB as such: "2011-05-26 11:00:00" in a datetime field. I'd like to find all rows where the date is greater than the first of this month, ie: 2011-05-01 09:00:00


The date formats in the DB can not be changed. What MySQL function can I use to convert the date in the DB to a format that can handle comparison? I'm guessing the best format for "first of the month" is a unix timestamp?


The time values in the dates are always present but only office hours, so from 09:00 to 17:00.


如果存储在DATETIME字段中,只需在WHERE date > '2011-05-01 09:00:00'上查询.

If it's stored in a DATETIME field, just query on WHERE date > '2011-05-01 09:00:00'.


08-11 02:12