


I have a front-end that is built using React states that is meant to adapt based on user action. However, my front-end React is also meant to show and allow manipulation of my server-side data. Currently my view engine is EJS, and I am using it to display data. As a broad example:

  return (<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-7">
      <li><span class="point">Name:</span> <%= user.profile.name %> </li>
      <li><span class="point">Email:</span> <%= user.email %> </li>

我已经确定我不能将这些ejs <%= 标记与React混合使用.这使得处理数据成为一个挑战.除非我在jQuery中重做UI,否则我不确定如何继续.

I have established that I cannot mix these ejs <%= tags with React. This makes manipulating the data a challenge. Unless I redo my UI in jQuery, I'm not sure how to proceed.


I have looked at this React documentation for passing data, but upon testing it the result does not allow me to make cross-origin calls, and my MongoDB is stored on MongoLab. Thus, I am relegated to using EJS to call my data.


With the restrictions of using React with EJS, I am puzzled over what solutions I have to implement a UI tool like React with server-side data.



res.render('view', {user: myUser});


In EJS before the app's js bundle:

<script type='text/javascript'>
  var userFromServer =<%-JSON.stringify(user)%>

在您的反应代码中使用 userFromServer .

Use userFromServer in your react code.


08-11 02:03